Univen staff, students and visitors are a high priority to the existence and sustainability of the university, there are initiatives that have been put in place all around campus, with proper research and implementation of high safety and security.
Students and staff are encouraged to report any suspicious behavior in and around campus buildings as well as parking areas.
Security officers patrol the entire University of Venda 24 hours a day, Univen is also equipped with 24 hour surveillance cameras. Services offered by Univen security staff include a 24-hour escort service (on campus) for all students and staff, especially those working late in libraries or computer labs. If you require an escort, dial one of the numbers listed below.
Emergency Number, Protection Services:
Protection Services: +27 15 962 8193 / 8820 / 8120 /8762 /8675
Emergency Medical services
015 963 1397 Land line
064 977 2909 & WhatsApp
064 978 8796 & WhatsApp
Campus Health Clinic
015 962 9152/9153/9154/9162
SA Police Services: 10111 / +27 15 962 2812
Fire Department: +27 15 964 2177
General Emergency: 082 881 4555
SRC President: 078 975 5528