School of Education
Contact Us
Where to find us
The School of Education is currently operating from the top floor in the Old Administration Building, which houses the Dean’s office, the School Administration offices, and the Departments of: Curriculum Studies and Educational Management, Professional Studies and Early-Childhood Education. The Department of Mathematics and Science Education is housed in the New Education Building
Dr Peter Mulaudzi
Tel: +27 15 962 8502
Fax: +27 15 962 8050
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Balanganani Mudau
Dean’s Secretary
Tel: +2715 962 8318
Fax: +2715 962 8050
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
GM Tshimange
School Administrator
Tel: +2715 962 8142
Tel: +2715 962 8050
Email: [email protected]
About the School of Education
To produce education professionals and to generate and advance knowledge, skills, values and attitudes through excellence in teaching, research and community services that promote the quality of life for rural and regional development.
As a school in a comprehensive university responsive to the development needs of the Southern African region, the School of Education is committed to:
- Educate highly qualified graduates and responsible teachers and school managers by offering advanced and relevant professional training.
- Advance, create and disseminate knowledge through research and provide, as part of our community service, relevant expertise to assist societies in cultural, social and economic development.
- Contribute to the development and improvement of education at all levels through initial professional education of teachers and further development training of teachers in the employment of both public and independent schools.
We value:
- Human dignity and respect diversity
- Academic freedom and professionalism
- Intellectual development of staff and students at all costs.
- A democratic, collaborative and collegial working environment where individuals and groups of academic openly air their views.
- Respect for staff and students as practitioners who are critical and reflective thinkers, and creative problem-solvers.
The primary mandate of the school is to prepare and provide teachers of the highest quality for the school systems in the Southern African region.
Dean's Profile
Dr Peter Mulaudzi has 31 years of experience in teacher education, of which 7 years were spent at Makhado of College of Education and 18 years at the University of Venda. He spent his first 6 years of professional teaching at public schools, that is, Mphephu High School, Tshilidzini Special School and Dimbanyika Secondary School. He is currently the dean of the School of Education at the University of Venda.
Peter Mulaudzi is a recipient of a 1992 scholarship from Educational Opportunities Council [EOC], RSA in conjunction with the Institute of International Education [IIE], USA, to study for a Master of Education Degree in Psychology of Education at Bowie State University, Maryland, USA.
Peter served the University of Venda as Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Vice-Dean of the School of Education through 2008 -2011
During 2005-2008 he served the university as the Head of Department of Teacher Education. This was the time when the School of Education was merged with the School of Human and Social Sciences. He was responsible for the overall coordination of the department and ensured that all the programmes on offer were professionally organised and managed. He played a key role in the preparations and facilitations of for the Master of Education, the Advanced Certificate in Education: Remedial Education and the Postgraduate Certificate in Education Programmes reviews by the Higher Education Quality Committee of the Council on Higher Education. Each of these programmes was accredited.
Throughout 2006-2008 he was the chairperson and convener for the School of Human and Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee. The committee reviewed and evaluated all Masters and Doctoral students research proposals and recommended amendments for improvement before they were submitted to the school board meetings.
He led a collaboration of Limpopo Department of Education and Universities of Venda and Limpopo on the Schools’ HIV Project. The project was intended to train master trainers and teachers on Basic Counselling Skills. The University of Venda trained 25 master trainers and 1336 educators.
In 2006, July he was appointed by the Council on Higher Education’s (CHE) Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) to serve as sub-chair for the evaluation of the Advanced Certificate Programme, ACE: LSEN (Learners with Special Learning Needs) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for the purpose of accreditation.
Throughout the years 2005 to 2012 he coordinated the National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE) Programme at the University of Venda. The NPDE was intended to train and develop under-qualified teachers and scaffold them from the level Relevant Education Qualification Value (REQV) of 11 and 12 and to REQV 13.
During his student years at Bowie State University, in Maryland, USA, he was selected as a student participant by a panel of professors to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Guidance and Counselling Programme, for the growth and development of the Master of Education Degree in Guidance and Counselling. A certificate of appreciation for positive contribution was awarded.
Peter Mulaudzi has successfully supervised six Master of Education and one Doctor of Education Research dissertations. He still continues to serve the school in the capacity of student research supervisor.
He is an emerging researcher. His publications in peer referred journals are on the rise. His satiation for presentation of research work at local, national and international conferences is on course.
He led a team of lecturers in the preparation and writing of the Master of Education: Educational Management (MEDEM) portfolio in preparation for the audit by the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), the quality committee of the Council on Higher Education (CHE). Through his contribution to MEDEM Programme was fully accredited.
Dr Mulaudzi obtained Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAEd) degree in 1988 and Bachelor of Education Honours (BEd Hons) degree in 1990, both from the University of Venda. He completed his Master of Education (MEd) degree in Psychology of Education at Bowie State University, Maryland, USA in 1984 and Doctor of Education (DEd) degree in Psychology of Education from the University of South Africa in 1999. Prior to university education he obtained a Junior Secondary Teacher Certificate (JSTC) at the former Venda College of Education in 1981.
The following is a list of academic programmes offered by the School of Education
Department of Curriculum Studies and Education Management
Code | Name |
ACEEM | Advanced Certificate in Education: Educational Management |
CESML | Advanced Certificate in Education: School Management and Leadership |
iBEDEM | Bachelor of Education Honors in Educational Management |
iBEDCT (Hons) | Bachelor of Education in College Teaching |
BEDCS | Bachelor of Education Honours: Curriculum Studies |
MEDEM | Master of Education in Educational Management |
MEDCS | Master of Education in Curriculum Studies |
DEd | Doctor of Education |
PhD (CS) | Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies |
DEDTE | Doctor of Education in Teacher Education |
Department of Early Childhood Education
Code | Name |
CECE | Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Education |
DCRE | Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education |
BEDTEF | Bachelor of Education Foundation Phase |
PGCE | Post Graduate Certificate in Education |
BEDECE | (Hons) Bachelor of Education Honours Early Childhood Education |
Department of Maths Science and Technology Education
Code | Name |
STED | Science Teacher Education Diploma |
BSCEd | Bachelor of Science in Education |
MED (ScED) | Master of Science in Science Education |
MEDSED | Master of Education In Science Education |
MSCEDU | Master of Science In Science Education |
PHDSED | Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education |
Department of Professional Studies
Code | Name |
Dip Sc Lib | Diploma in School Library and Information Science |
BEDFET | Bachelor of Education Further Education and Training |
BEDGC | Bachelor of Education Honors Guidance and Counseling |
iMEd | Master of education |
MEdTE | Master of education Teacher Education |
Career opportunities
Teacher/Educator, School Principal or Inspector, Curriculum Specialist,
Education Evaluator, Examiner, Education Director, Education and Guidance Counsellor, School
Entrepreneur, Owner of private school, crèche or pre-school, International Educational Consultant,
Educator, Lecturer.