Department of Extended Degree

School of Management Sciences

Executive Summary


As the University transforms into a comprehensive, in terms of the Department of Higher Education directive, the Extended Programme Department offers any student who does not qualify for the degree programme of his/her choice and has met requirements for bachelor’s degree or matric with university exemption plus an APS of 28 – 32 (excluding Life Orientation) an opportunity to be considered for admission into the Extended programmes




In line with the University and School of Management Science vision, the Extended Programme Department aims to produce responsible, effective self-directed students who are ready to challenge distinct academic disciplines.

The Extended Programme Department strives to ease the transition from school to university by offering adequate academic support necessary for lifelong learning.


Like all Departments in the School of Management Sciences, the SMS Extended programme subscribes to the following values:

  • Quality and excellence: Strive to the highest standards as benchmarked and evaluated by peers.
  • Accountability: Commitment to good and responsible use of human, fiscal and physical resources entrusted to us to deliver on and be answerable to our mandate.
  • Transparency: Openness to public scrutiny on our actions, processes and use of our resources.
  • Integrity: Consistently espousing and practicing honesty, truth and freedom in all we do.
  • Respect: Treating all stakeholders with civility and dignity.
  • Diversity: Recognition that diversity and excellence are mutually inclusive, enhancing our teaching, scholarship and community engagement.
  • Social responsibility and community engagement: Contributing to the best extent possible, to the intellectual, social and economic well-being of the communities we serve.
  • Ubuntu: Foster a caring, mutually supporting environment and treating individuals with respect and dignity in the spirit of Ubuntu


Bachelor of Administration Extended Programmes
  • Economics BADECX
  • Human Resources Management BADHRX (in abeyance)
  • Public Administration BADPMX (in abeyance)

Bachelor of Commerce Extended Programmes                              

– Accounting                                     BCOACX

– Business Information Systems                BCOITX *

– Business Management                            BCOBEX

– Cost and Management Accounting       BCOCMX*

– Economics                                      BCOECX

– Human Resources Management            BCOHRX

– Tourism Management                               BCOTMX*

Bachelor of Economics Extended                    BECONX (in abeyance)


Bachelor of Administration Programmes      

  • Economics BADMEC
  • Human Resources Management BADMPE (in abeyance)
  • Public Administration BADMAP (in abeyance)

The department is still working on the full intervention on programmes denoted by an asterisk*


Admission Requirements for the Extended Degree Programmes

Any student who does not qualify for the degree programme of his/her choice and has met requirements for bachelor’s degree in Grade 12 or has completed Matric with university exemption plus an APS of 28 – 31 (excluding Life Orientation) may be considered for admission into the extended programmes.

NB: Only a limited number of students may be admitted into the extended programmes. Therefore admission will be based on performance. 

Rules for the Extended Programmes

The foundational provision is offered in the first year of the extended degree programme and must be successfully completed.

Students are subject to the specific rules of the Schools in which the extended degree qualifications are offered.

Students must complete ALL 10 modules in first year of study.

Students who successfully complete the foundational provision modules will enroll for the first year modules of the of the degree programme for which they are registered. For the rest of the programme structure, students should consult the appropriate section of the calendar.


Foundation University Skills: FUS 1540 and FUS 1640

The module is designed to help learners to cope with the demands of higher education and to maximize chances of being successful. Things like how to enhance self-esteem, dealing with stress, teaching and learning methods etc. are dealt with in this module. This module also helps learners to develop academic, intellectual, personal, social and learning skills needed to study towards a degree. It stimulates creative and critical thinking that helps learners to think independently about different issues.

Foundation Economics (FEM 1640)

This module introduces learners to basic concepts and tools of economic analyses. Introduction to demand and supply analysis, the public sector, national income employment and fiscal policy are some of the topics covered in this module. It serves to provide learners with an idea as to what economics is all about and also to provide them with the understanding of the basic concepts in economics.

Foundation Entrepreneurship (FET 1540)

This module is offered with the focus of changing the mindset of learners from being job seekers to job creators. The module introduces entrepreneurship as a field of study. The importance of creativity and innovation is also emphasized. Learners will gain an overview of the entrepreneurial process and business opportunities. They will be able to explain the execution of feasibility study and how to compile a business plan.

Foundation Business Management (FBM 1640)

The module introduces business management as a science. Topics like the objectives of an enterprise establishment, forms of ownership, business environment and the functional areas of the business are introduced in this module. Learners will become acquainted with subject terminology as well as understand how to own and establish forms of enterprises.

Foundation Business Statistics (FBS 1640)

The module introduces learners to descriptive statistics and basic statistical techniques required for interpretations of data. Learners will be able to undertake statistical operations such as, draw and interpret statistical graphics; summarize data by means of simple statistics; calculate and interpret correlation coefficients.

Foundation Accounting (FAC 1640)

This module introduces learners to basic financial accounting concepts. It will help learners to record and process accounting data; make journal entries and posting to the general ledger; extract trial balance and prepare such documents as simple financial statements.

Foundation Human Resource Management (FHR 1640)

The module provides an overview of the field of human resources management. Upon completion of the module learners would be able to identify the role of human resource in an organization and to understand the processes relating to the acquisition, development and appraisal of employees.

Foundation English:         FEN 1540 AND FEN 1640

These are English Structure and Usage modules designed to revise students’ knowledge of the basic building blocks of the English Language and show how this basic knowledge is applied in their everyday usage of the language. The emphasis is on making students aware that basic structural knowledge is a requirement for the successful handling of the listening, speaking, reading and writing requirements of any academic programme that they may wish to pursue in future.

These modules seek to enhance students’ literacy competence in English and move their linguistic interaction from the literal to critical levels of performance.  They instil problem-identification and solving skills in linguistic contexts and provide a forum where students will observe the application of the more abstract concepts of English structure in different contexts.

Foundation Critical Thinking (FCT 1540)

The module aims to foster personal transferable skills and abilities at the highest level of generality, which may then be applied to practical issues in everyday life as well as to study in all subject areas. Particular attention is paid to reasoning skills and to the development of argument, problem solving and discussion skills. This module sets out to assist students to think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, identify and solve problems creatively, and assume responsible citizenship.

Foundation Numeracy (FNU 1540)

A revision/remedial module aimed at strengthening students’ background in basic numeracy. It is a combination of high school mathematics concepts and concepts needed for the various modules in the School of Management. It is an attempt to reduce the phobia that students have towards mathematics and to ensure that they are able to handle core mathematics modules in the School which pose major problems for students enrolled in the various degrees in the School of Management.


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