Department of Agricultural and Rural Engineering

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture
About Us


The programmes in Agricultural and Rural Engineering aim at training well qualified graduates who are well versed in the challenging engineering and rural development issues faced by rural communities.


To become a centre of excellence in the provision of food and fiber to mankind in Southern Africa region and beyond.


The Department of Agricultural and Rural Engineering, strives within the framework of the mission of the school to improve, through teaching, research and community outreach, the sustainable management and use of natural resources for sustainable livelihoods of the community that is served by the university.



This programme aims at training well qualified graduates who are well versed in the challenging engineering and rural development issues faced by rural communities. These include; Irrigation, Soil and Water Conservation and Management, Agricultural Structures, Farm Mechanization and Rural Industries, Crop Processing and Renewable Energy Technologies.

The programme prepares graduates with necessary problem solving skills and competencies which will enable them to be highly innovative and be able to function effectively as:

Advisors, designers or supervisors of rural development projects
Applied scientists- the graduates will also be able to find employment as specialists in Government, Agribusiness, Research and Training Institutions, Private Consultancies and to establish their own business.

ABE 1131 Technical Communication skills
ABE 1132 Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
ABE 1133 Physics I
ABE 1134 Chemistry I
ABE 1135 Pure Mathematics I
ABE 1136 Applied Mathematics I
ABE 1137 Engineering Drawing I
ABE 1231 Introduction to Agricultural Sciences
ABE 1232 Physics II (Prerequisites ABE 1536/1136)
ABE 1233 Chemistry II (Prerequisites ABE 1534/1134)
ABE 1234 Earth and Environmental Science
ABE 1235 Pure Mathematics II (Prerequisites ABE 1535/1135)
ABE 1236 Applied Mathematics II (Prerequisites ABE 1536/1136)
ABE 1237 Fundamentals of Computing
ABE 2131 Engineering Mathematics I (Prerequisites ABE 1635/1235, ABE 1636/1236)
ABE 2132 Electrical Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2133 Thermodynamics I (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2134 Solid and Structural Mechanics I (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2135 Mechanics of Machines I (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2136 Material Science and Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 1532/1132)
ABE 2137 Engineering Drawing II (Prerequisites ABE 1537/1137)
ABE 2138 Fluid Mechanics I (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2231 Engineering Mathematics II (Prerequisites 2531/2131)
ABE 2232 Computer Programming for Engineers (Prerequisites ABE 1637/1237)
ABE 2233 Engineering Surveying (Prerequisites ABE 2531/2131)
ABE 2234 Solid and Structural Mechanics II (Prerequisites ABE 2534/2134)
ABE 2235 Mechanics of Machines II (Prerequisites ABE 2535/2135)
ABE 2236 Electronics (Prerequisites ABE 1632/1232)
ABE 2237 Materials Processing (Prerequisites ABE 2536 /2136)
ABE 2238 Fluid Mechanics II (Prerequisites ABE 2538/2138)
ABE 3131 Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies (Prerequisites ABE 1533/1133)
ABE 3132 Thermodynamics II (Prerequisites ABE 2533/2133)
ABE 3133 Operations Research (Prerequisites ABE 1532/1132)
ABE 3134 Soil Science (Prerequisites ABE 1532/1132)
ABE 3135 Instrumentation (Prerequisites ABE 2636/2236)
ABE 3136 Engineering Hydrology and Meteorology (Prerequisites ABE2632/2232)
ABE 3137 Statistical Methods and Experimental Design (Prerequisites ABE 2632/2232, ABE 1635/1235)
ABE 3231 Soil dynamics and Mechanics (Prerequisites ABE 1532/1132)
ABE 3232 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136, ABE 1532/1132)
ABE 3233 Tractor Power Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 2635/2235)
ABE 3234 Structural Design (Prerequisites ABE 2634/2234)
ABE 3235 Process and Food Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 1631/1231)
ABE 3236 Principles of Microeconomics
ABE 3237 Heat and Mass Transfer (Prerequisites ABE 3532/3132)
ABE 3238 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136)
ABE 4000 Industrial/Field Attachment (Prerequisites – PASSED ALL YEAR 3 MODULES)
ABE 4132 Engineering Economy (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233)
ABE 4133 Built Environment Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 2633/2233)
ABE 4134 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 1634/1234, ABE 3534/3134)
ABE 4135 Entrepreneurship and Product Development (Prerequisites ABE 4532/4132)
ABE 4136 Design Project I* (Prerequisites – PASSED ALL YEAR 3 MODULES)
ABE 4137 Project Planning and Management (Prerequisites ABE 3537/3137)
ABE 4138 Rural Structures (Prerequisites ABE 2633/2233)
ABE 4231 Design Project II – CONTINUES FROM SESSION I (Prerequisites ABE 4536/4136)
ABE 4232 Electrification (Prerequisites ABE 2532/2132)
ABE 4999 ECSA outcome portfolio
ABE 4233 Conservation and Precision Agriculture (Prerequisites ABE 3534/3134)
ABI 4242 Water Systems Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 3632/3232, ABE 3638/3238)
ABE 4234 Mechanization & Machinery Management (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233)
ABE 4235 Aquatic Machinery Engineering (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233)
ABE 4237 Tractor Power and Machinery Systems Design (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233)
ABE 4236 Transport Systems (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233, ABE 4538/4138)
ABE 4238 Land Development Machinery (Prerequisites ABE 3633/3233)
ABE 4239 Minor Roads (Prerequisites ABE 3631/3231, ABE 4538/4138)
ABE 4223 Watershed Management (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136)
ABE 4241 Construction Management (Prerequisites ABE 4533/4133)
ABE 4224 Rural Extension & Technology Transfer (Prerequisites ABE 4535/4135, ABE 4532/4132)
ABE 4243 Geo-Information Systems (Prerequisites ABE 2633/2233)
ABI 4231 Hydrological Design of Reservoirs (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136)
ABI 4232 Design of Irrigation and Drainage Systems (Prerequisites ABE 3632/3232)
ABI 4234 Groundwater Hydrology (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136)
ABI 4235 Surface Water Hydrology (Prerequisites ABE 3536/3136)
ABS 4231 Refrigeration and air conditioning (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4232 Storage of agricultural products (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4233 Processing plant design (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4234 Food engineering systems (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4235 Dairy technology (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4236 Post harvest technology (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
ABS 4237 Agro-Industrial Waste Management (Prerequisites ABE 1634/1234)
ABS 4238 Packaging technology (Prerequisites ABE 3635/3235)
Below is a list of departmental publications

Marenya. O.M. (2015). Characterizing the performance of a Deep Tilling-Cut Rotavator Fitted with L-Shaped Blades. Summer 2015. AMA VOL.46, No.3.

Marenya, MO., HLM du Plessis and N.G. Musonda .:2003: Theoretical forces and power prediction models for rotary tillers – a review . Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and the environment, Vol.3 No. 1pp1-10.

Marenya, MO., HLM du Plessis and N.G. Musonda .:2004: Development of an instrumented system for deep rotary tillage studies. Agriculture Engineering in South Africa, Vol.33 No. 1pp1-14.

Kapila PF., Mogwai MB.: 2015. Evaluation of maintenance practices in mechanized agriculture – SADC Region. ISSN: 1310- 3946. III International Scientific Congress – Agricultural machinery Proceedings, Vol 3.

Omolola A O, Jideani A.I.O. and Kapila P.F. (2015). “Drying characteristics and kinetics of banana (Musa spp., AAA group, cv. ‘Mabonde’)” (Trinidad) 92, Number 3,207-219.

Omolola, AO, Jideani IO, Kapila PF: 2015. Drying kinetics of banana (musa spp.) Interciencia. June 2015, Vol. 40 Nº 6.

Omolola, AO, Jideani IO, Kapila PF: 2015. Modeling of thin layer drying characteristics of banana cv. Luvhele. Bulg. J. Agric.

Sci., 21: Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 21 (No 2) 2015, 000–000 Agricultural Academy.

Omolola A O, Jideani A I O, Kapila PF.: 2015. Quality Properties of Fruits as Affected by Drying Operation. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2013.859563 Accepted author version posted online: 12 Feb 2015.

Omolola A O, Jideani A I O, Kapila PF :2014. Modelling microwave drying kinetics and moisture diffusivity of Mabonde banana variety IJAEB. Vol.7 No.6.

Kapila, P.F.: 2014. The Necessity of Improving Water Productivity in the Physical Water Scarcity Limpopo Province – South Africa. Journal of Agricultural farm Machinery. Vol. 10. Nr.3. ISSN 1306-0007

Omolola A 0, Jideani A I O, Kapila PF.: 2014. Microwave drying kinetics of banana (Luvhele spp). Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture. ISSN: 1450-5029.

Kment, P., Krepl, V., Kapila, P.F.: 2014. Development Assistance and Poverty Reduction in Central Asia. Agricultura Tropica Et Subtropica. Vol. 47,1.

Krepl, V., Al-Gaboori, Kapila P.F.: Manpower Development and Education System in agriculture in Iraq after Conflict Period. Tropentag 2014. Book of abstracts.

Rutto. R.C., Obiero J.P., Mutai E.B: 2014: Evaluation of land use change in Kiboko watershed, kenya Journal of Education Science and Technology, Vol2, No. 1, ISSN:2309-9240.

V.K. Too, C.T. Omuto, E.K. Biamah., Obiero J.P: 2014: Review of Soil Water Retention Characteristics (SWRC) Models between Saturation and Oven Dryness, Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, 4, 173-182.

Book Chapter J.P.O Obiero and J.O. Onyando. 2013: Climate. In: Kenya: A natural Outlook Developments in Earth Surface Processes, vol 16. Elsevier. B.V., Amsterdam.

Conference Papers and Proceedings

III INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONGRESS” AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY” BULGARIA, VARNA, 22-25 JUNE 2015. Paper presented: EVALUATION OF THE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES IN MECHANIZED AGRICULTURE – SADC REGION. Funded by Research and Publications Committee, UNIVEN. International SWAT conference 22-26 JUNE 2015. Contributed an oral presentation of a scientific paper to the 2015 International SWAT conference, June 24-26, 2015 – Sardinia, Italy Funded by Research and Publications Committee, UNIVEN.

12th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MECHANIZATION AND ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE (ADAGENG 2014). SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2014. Paper presented: “The Necessity of Improving Agricultural Water Productivity in the Physical Water Scarcity Limpopo Province – South Africa” was published in Journal of Machinery Science. Funded by Research and Publications Committee, UNIVEN.

John.P.O Obiero: 2014 Surface Runoff Simulation on catchment in Kenya using SWAT model. Proceedings of the National Workshop of Hydrological Society of Kenya held at the Kenya Water Institute (KEWI), Nairobi, Kenya 19-30/4/2104, ISBN:978-9966-078-12-4.

18th World Congress of the CIGR, Septemeber 16th -19th. China National Convetion Centre, Beijing, China. – paper: Simulation of Streamflow Components using Soil water Assessmmet Toll (SWAT) Model.

18th World Congress of the CIGR, Septemeber 16th -19th. China National Convetion Centre, Beijing, China. – paper: Evaluation of soil compaction under conservation tillage in South Africa.

18th World Congress of the CIGR, Septemeber 16th -19th. China National Convetion Centre, Beijing, China. – paper: Introduction, demonstration and promotion of mechanical cassava hravesting in sub-Saharan Africa.

ASABE Annual Conference Meeting (AIM). Louisville, USA. August 2011. Paper: Characterising the performamnce of a deep tilling down-cut rotavator fitted with L-shaped blades.

10th Biennial Pedometrics International Conferenace. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF campus), Nairobi, 26 – 31/8/1013.

11th AFRICAN CROPS SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, ENTEBBE, UGANDA. OCTOBER 14-17, 2013. Poster presented: “ Practices on soybean growth and yield in a semi-arid environment in Limpopo province, South Africa.”.

11th AFRICAN CROPS SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, ENTEBBE, UGANDA. OCTOBER 14-17, 2013. Poster presented: Effect of tillage practices on sybean growth and yield in a semi-arid environment in Limpopo province, South Africa. Funded by Research and Publications Committee, UNIVEN.

The following is a list of staff in the department of Agricultural and Rural Engineering

Name: Ms  Mosatiwa Brenda  Mutshinyalo
Designation: Chief Technician
Qualification: BAGRIC (University of Venda PRODI41)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: [email protected]
Office: AGRICULTURE BUILDING SOUTH Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Dr  Francis Collins Muga  Onyando
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualification: BAGRIC (null), BSCHON (null), MSC (null)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: [email protected]
Office: Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Ms  Phalane Sekina  Lebotsa
Designation: Lecturer
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: [email protected]
Office: Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Dr  Moses Okoth  Marenya
Designation: Part-Time Lecturer
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: [email protected]
Office: SCHOOL OF AGRIC - ADMIN BLOCK Building, Office Number , Floor Number

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