Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture
About Us

Faculty Administrator
Name: Maxwell Maboho
Tel: +27 15 962 8880
Email: [email protected]

For Admission Enquiries information contact:
Mr Seth Ugoda
Chief Admissions Officer: Student Administration
+2715 962 8882/ 8983/ 8953
E-mail: [email protected]


The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness is one of the nine (9) departments and an institute constituting the School of Agriculture at the University of Venda. It was established in 1995 offering a four (4) year BSc Agric (Econ) degree programme. Its first cohort of graduates was in 1998. Post graduate programmes in the department include MSc Agric Economics and a PhD in Agricultural Economics. In addition the Department assists in supervising students from the Institute for Rural Development with strong bias towards Agricultural Economics and Development. The four (4) year Bachelor of Agribusiness (later restructured to BSc Agric: Agribusiness management) was initiated in 2003 in response to increased demand for agribusiness managers in the region and Southern Africa.


The Department of Agricultural Economics and agribusiness at the University of Venda seeks to promote tertiary education and human capacity building in the area of agricultural economics, agribusiness and extension in the SADC region in fulfillment of the University’s vision to be at the centre of rural development within the region


The department strives to provide high quality education and training in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness through excellence in teaching and learning, research and community engagement in response to the development needs of Limpopo province, South Africa and SADC

The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Venda offers two undergraduate programmes, i.e. the BSc Agric Economics and the BSc Agric. Agribusiness Management. While the first is oriented towards addressing production related challenges facing farmers in the region, the latter is more focused on the value add and marketing aspects of the discipline. The two programmes are further merged into the MSc and PhD Agricultural Economics programme.
Undergraduate ProgrammesCode (Prerequisite in brackets)Duration
Introduction to Agricultural Economic AnalysisAEC 2541
Baccalureus Legum UndergraduateLLB (NU)
Introduction to Marketing of Agricultural ProductsAEC 2641
Farm Business ManagementAEC 3541
Agricultural Sector Planning and Project AppraisalAEC 3542
Marketing of Agricultural Products (AEC 2641)AEC 3641
Agricultural Production Economics (AEC 3541)AEC 4541
Agricultural Policy in Developing CountriesAEC 4542
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (AEC 2541)AEC 4641
Markets and Price Analysis (AEC 3541)AEC 4642
Project and Seminar PresentationAEC4081
Advanced agricultural Production EconomicsAEC 6541
Advanced Agribusiness ManagementAEC 6542
Research MethodologyAEC 6543
Advanced agricultural PolicyAEC 6641
Research Project and SeminarAEC 6642
Project and Seminar PresentationAGM 4081
Introduction to rural SociologyEXT 2541
Introduction to agricultural ExtensionEXT 3641
Communication and Extension for Rural DevelopmentEXT 5641
Advanced Agricultural Extension EducationEXT 6641
DissertationAEC 6099
ThesisAEC 7099
Departmental Publications
Thaba K, Anim FDK, and Tshikororo M. (2016). Analysis of Factors Responsible for Proper Functioning of Smallholder Agricultural Cooperatives in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 54(3): 150-157 (2016).
Anim FDK, Chauke PK and Maiwashe A. (2016). Analysis of Factors Responsible for Access to Food Security by beneficiaries of Cooperatives: A Multinomial Logit Approach. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 54(1): 35-40 (2016).
Kabiti, H.M., Raidimi, N.E., Pfumayaramba, T.K. and Chauke, P.K., 2016. Determinants of Agricultural Commercialization among Smallholder Farmers in Munyati Resettlement Area, Chikomba District, Zimbabwe. J Hum Ecol, 53(1), pp.10-19.

Zwane E and Chauke PK (2015). The influence of Extension Policy in Extension Deliverables in the Agricultural Sector with Reference to the Sub- Saharan Africa. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 03 (02) 2015. 93-100

Chauke PK (2015). An assessment of survivalist enterprises in the Capricorn District Municipality. Development Southern Africa, 32(5), 613-622 Chauke PK, Munzhelele R and Maiwashe A (2015). Some Factors Impacting on Street Sellers’ Ability to Generate Above Poverty Line Income in Vhembe District, South Africa: Logistic Regression. Journal of Social Science, 44(1): 8-14 (2015)

Chauke PK, Ramaswiela H and Maiwashe A (2015) · Assessment of Factors that Could Influence Preference for Alternate Redress on Restitution Land Claims in Vhembe District, South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 49(3):173-17.

Manyise T, Chauke PK , Anim FDK, Pfumayaramba, TK Tichaona , Raidimi EN, Maiwashe A. (2015). Comparative Impact of Public Expenditure on Agricultural Growth: Error Correction Model for South Africa and Zimbabwe. Journal of human Ecology, 50(3):245-251.

Lebese RT, Maputle MS, Mabunda JT and Chauke PK. (2015). Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Students on Teenage Pregnancy: A Case Study of Rural Based University Students in South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 51(1,2):55-65.

Mabunda, J.T Lebese RT ·Maputle MS and Chauke P K (2015). Perceived Risk Behaviours Related to Teenage Pregnancy among University Students in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 51(1,2): 66-72.
Manyise Timothy, Chauke Phineas Khazamula, Anim Francis, Pfumayaramba Tichaona Raidimi Edzisani and Maiwashe Aluwani. (2015). Comparative Impact of Public Expenditure on Agricultural Growth: Error Correction Model for South Africa and Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 50(3): 245-251 (2015).

Anim FDK, Thaba K and Tshikororo M. (2015). Resource use efficiency in Vegetable Production under Irrigation: The case of Marutle Agricultural Cooperative in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 50(1): 11-17 (2015).
R. Mukwevho R and F. D. K. Anim. (2014). Analysis of Factors that Affect Small Scale Farmers in Accessing Markets: a case study of Cabbage Producers in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 48(2): 219-225 (2014).

B. Nkonki-Mandleni and F. D. K. Anim. (2014). Determining Factors of Support for Co-Operatives in South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 47(2): 171-174 (2014).

Mthombeni D. L., Anim F. D. K. and Nkonki-Mandleni B. (2014). Factors That Contribute to Vegetable Sales by Hawkers in the Limpopo, Province of South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 6, No. 8:197-204. ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.

Anim FDK and Chauke PK. (2014). Environmental Degradation Differences among Rural Farming Communities in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. Vol. 46(1):47-54.

P.K. Chauke, F.D.K. Anim; T.K. Pfumayaramba and T.D. Nekhavhambe. (2014). An Assessment of Factors Affecting Income Generation from Crop Production under Irrigation in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, Vol. 45(1): 1-6. Manyise T, Chauke PK, Anim FK, Pfumayaramba T, Raidimi EN, and Maiwashe A. 2015. Comparative Impact of Public Expenditure on Agricultural Growth: Error Correction Model for South Africa and Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology. 50 (3): 245-251

Maliwichi LL, Pfumayaramba TK, and Katlego T. 2014. An Analysis of Constraints that Affect Smallholder Farmers in the Production of Tomatoes in Ga_Mphahlele, LepelleNkupi Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology. 47(3): 269-274

Chauke P.K; Anim FDK; Pfumayaramba T. K and Nekhavhambe T.D (2014). An Assessment of Factors Affecting Income Generation from Crop Production under Irrigation in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology, 45 (1): 1-6

Anim FDK and Chauke PK (2014). Environmental Degradation Differences among Rural Farming Communities in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Journal of Human Ecology , 46(1): 47-54 (2014)

Chauke, P. K. and Anim, F. D. K. (2013). Predicting Access to Credit By Smallholder Irrigation Farmers: A Logistic Regression Approach. Journal of Human Ecology, 42(3), 195-202

Chauke PK, Nekhavhambe TD and Pfumayaramba TK. (2013). An assessment of support provided to smallholder Irrigation Farmers: A case study of the Vhembe District, South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(12): 1077-1085.DOI 10.5892/AJAR12.576.

Chauke PK, Motlhatlhana ML, Pfumayaramba TK and Anim FDK (2013). Factors influencing access to credit: A case study of smallholder farmers in the Capricorn district of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(7): 582-585.DOI 10.5897/AJAR2013.6700.
Chauke PK and Anim FDK (2013). Predicting Access to Credit By Smallholder Irrigation Farmers: A Logistic Regression Approach. Journal of Human Ecology, Vol. 42(3):195-202.

P. K. Chauke, M. L. Motlhatlhana, T. K. Pfumayaramba and F. D. K. Anim (2013). Factors influencing access to credit: A case study of smallholder farmers in the Capricorn district of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 8(7), pp. 582-585.

Meliko MO, Chauke PK and Oni SA. (2012). The efficiency of small-scale agriculture in Limpopo province of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol 7 (12): 1789-1793. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR10.345. ISSN 1991-637X

Anim, FDK and Mandleni, B. (2012). Adoption rate and adoption cost of new technology: economic surplus approach. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 6(32), pp. 9293-9297,15 August, 2012 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.373 ISSN 1993-8233

Mandleni, B and Anim, FDK. (2012). Climate change and adaptation of small-scale cattle and sheep farmers. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(17), pp. 2639-2646, 5 May, 2012 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/AJAR10.747 ,ISSN 1991-637X ©2012 Academic Journals.

Mandleni, B and Anim, FDK. (2011). Climate change awareness and decision on adaptation measures by livestock farmers. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 3, No.3; pp. 258-268, September 2011.

Anim, FDK (2011). Small-scale maize farmers’ decision to participate in contract farming: implications for integration into the marketing chain. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(13), pp. 5065-5069, 4 July, 2011 Available online at ISSN 1993-8233.

Anim, FDK (2011). Factors Affecting Rural Household Farm Labour Supply in Farm Communities. Journal of Human Ecology, Vol. 34(1):23-28 (April, 2011).

Mandleni, B and Anim, FDK. (2011). Perceptions of cattle and sheep farmers on climate change and adaptation. Journal of Human Ecology, Vol. 34(2):107-112 (May, 2011).

Anim, FDK and Mandleni, B. (2011). Factors and risks associated with integrated, conventional and sustainable agribusiness farming. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(4), pp. 1124-1128, 18 February, 2011 Available online at ISSN 1993-8233.

Anim, FDK and Mandleni, B. (2010). Effect of social dynamics on technology adoption in urban, sub-urban and rural farming communities in the Limpopo province of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.5 (17), pp.2310-2314, September 2010.

Anim, FDK (2010). Effects of extension services of firms offering contract farming: a case study of small scale maize farmers in the Limpopo province of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.5 (7), pp. 514-517.

Anim, FDK. (2009). Effects of private extension services on contract farming. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, Vol. 1(15), pp. 403-412. November 2009.

Anim, FDK. (2009). Extension services and contract farming in the Limpopo province of South Africa. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, Vol. 1(15), pp. 252-262. November 2009.

Anim, FDK. (2008). On-farm investment under open versus restricted access grazing: The case of small scale farmers in the Limpopo province of South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 46(4), pp 233-243.

Ndou, KS and Anim, FDK (2004), Hedonic price analysis of vegetables in selected areas of the Limpopo province, South Africa Research and Development Quarterly, Vol. 2, Q3, pp 45-52, July-Sept 2004.

Malongane, SR and Anim, FDK (2004), Factors influencing cattle owners willingness-to-pay for government and private veterinary services in selected areas of the Limpopo province, South Africa Research and Development Quarterly, Vol. 2, Q3, pp. 65-73,Jul-Sept 2004. Mekuria M, Gatsi T, &
Pfumayaramba T. 2001. A Preliminary Assessment of the Performance, Adoption and Economics of Hybrid, Open Pollinated and Recycled Maize Production in Chihota and Zimuto Districts of Zimbabwe. Harare, Zimbabwe: CIMMYT

Anim, FDK. (1999). Organic vegetable farming in rural areas of the Northern Province. Agrekon, Vol 38, No 4 (December 1999): 645-658.

Anim, FDK. (1999). A note on the adoption of soil conservation measures in the Northern Province of South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 50, Number 2, May 1999, pp 336-345.

Anim, FDK. (1998). Land Reform Issues: Comparing South Africa with Other Countries. Journal of Rural Development, Vol.17 (1), pp.115-118 (1998).

Anim, FDK. (1997). Livestock production in rural areas of South Africa. Journal of Rural Development, vol 16:No. (3), pp.415-425 (July-September 1997).

Anim, FDK. (1997). Land Reform Issues: Options for a New South Africa. Journal of Rural Development, Vol 16: No (1), pp.51-65 (January-March 1977).

Anim, FDK and HD van Schalkwyk. (1996). Tenure arrangements and access to credit: the case of small-scale farmers in the Northern Province. Agrekon, Vol 35, No 4 (December 1996):319-325.

Anim, FDK and Lyne MC. (1994). Econometric analysis of private access to communal grazing lands in South Africa: A case Study of Ciskei. Agricultural Systems, Vol 46 (1994): 461-471. Elsevier applied Science Publishers Ltd, Crown House, Linton Road, Barking, Essex IG11 8JU, England.

Anim, FDK and Lyne MC. (1992). The effect of land tenure on commercial livestock production in the Peddie coastal area of the Ciskei. Agrekon, Vol 31 No 4 (December 1992):321-327

The following is a list of staff members in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness:

The following is a list of staff members in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Name:  Mr  Tshimangadzo Ashley  Nefale
Designation:  Lecturer
Qualification:  BAGRIC (null)
Telephone:  0159628712
Email:  [email protected]
Office:  Building, Office Number  , Floor Number  

Name:  Dr  Mpho  Tshikororo
Designation:  Lecturer
Telephone:  0159628712
Email:  [email protected]
Office:  AGRIC SCHOOL-POSTGRADUATE BLOC Building, Office Number  , Floor Number  

Name:  Mr  Takalani Isaac  Khorombi
Designation:  Part-Time Lecturers
Qualification:  BSC (University of Venda PRODI41)
Telephone:  0159628000
Email:  [email protected]
Office:  Building, Office Number  , Floor Number  

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