CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE in ANIMAL ASSISTED REPRODUCTION – CEAAR – Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture

About Us


DEPARTEMENT of ANIMAL SCIENCE – Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture


Tel +27-(0)15-962 8000
Email [email protected]
Fax +27-(0)15-962 8958
Established 2013 An ultra-modern Animal Biotechnology Facility

Your centre of choice for training, research, services and post doc & graduate study. Thé Centre of Excellence in Animal Biotechnology in SADC

The CEAAR of Univen with its Biotechnology Laboratory is positioned in the northern part of South Africa in a green subtropical area 220 57’ 0’’S and 300 29’ 0’’.
It comprises of:
• A state of the art animal biotechnology laboratory;
• two feedlots (small and large livestock), piggery, poultry houses, mice colony;
• a dairy;
• an abattoir;
• as well as a team of dedicated research scientists finding new, superior methods and techniques for improved fertility in livestock.

The CEAAR specializes in animal assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that are relevant and applicable to emerging livestock breeders in South Africa. CEAAR works in collaboration with several institutes in South Africa and abroad.

We provides hands-on training workshops every 3 months in

1. Semen collection, evaluation, extension, freeze-storage – bulls, rams, bucks.
2. Synchronization and AI (all methods).
3. Multi-ovulation, embryo collection, evaluation, handling, freezing, thawing and transfer (MOET) – cows. sheep, goats.
4. IVMFC (In vitro fertilization) in cows and mice.
5. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of cow and mice oocytes.
6. Ultrasound scanning and its applications.
7. Assisted hatching of blastocyst-stage embryos – cows, goats, mice.
8. Laparoscopy and its uses.

CEAAR strives to

1. Strengthen community based outreach programmes and services.
2. Develop feasible and sustainable income generation projects.
3. Sustain and enhance research capacity, and develop superior post graduate programmes.
4. Develop and strengthen linkages with institutions aligned to CEAAR’s vision and mission.
5. Recruit and retain qualified undergraduate and postgraduate students.
6. Recruit and retain qualified academic and technical staff.
7. Develop career focused programmes.
Be a Centre of Excellence in ART in SADC.


CEAAR runs monthly lectures in several aspects of livestock production and reproduction, parasite control, health care, nutrition, identification, poultry and pig production, and many others.
The CEAAR offers hands-on training sessions to emerging red meat producers in heat detection, health care, vaccination, feed storage, meat inspection, animal first aid and many others.


State of the art fully automated micro-manipulation system with laser and UV on an inverted microscope for intra-cytoplasmic sperm injections, nuclear transfer, fluorescent staining, assisted hatching and stem cells harvesting

Contact Us

Tel: +27-(0)15-962 8000
Email: [email protected]
Fax: +27-(0)15-962 8958

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