Staff Profiles
Department of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and EducationStaff profiles
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Full names: Pelewe Mphephu
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: MA Sociology
Phone: 0159628401
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 05
Mrs Pelewe Mphephu is a Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences, she has worked for over 4 years in the higher education sector in South Africa and 3 years in the Republic of China. She specialises in Sociology and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- P. & Tshifhumulo .R., (2018), Coping strategies employed by young Vhavenda widows in Vhembe in dealing with death and bereavement. Gender and Behavaviour,16, P11705-11727 ( DOI 10.4314/gab.v16i2)
- Iwara .I.O, Amaechi .K.O, Itsweni .P. & Tshifhumulo .R. , (2018), Political process explanations of the rise of women representation in national politics: the case of South Africa-research. Political Sciences. (Corpus ID: 159400093)
- Itsweni .P. (2018) The experiences of Death of loved ones and Bereavement amongst young Vhavenda Widows of Tshikombani Village at Nzhelele, Vhembe District in Limpopo, South Africa. (Masters thesis) (Corpus ID : 149515176)
She is currently a Phd candidate in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.
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Research gate: Pelewe Itsweni
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Mr Rudzani Alpheus Mashamba is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences which falls under the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. He has over 15 years of higher education teaching experience. He is a holder of BA (Honours) in Political Studies from the University of Venda. Mr Mashamba is responsible for teaching undergraduate classes and he co-supervises Honours students. His areas of expertise are political philosophy, comparative politics, South African politics, and research methods in Politics
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BA, BA(Hons) (Univen).
Phone: +2715 962 8174
Email: [email protected]
Office No: C7-10, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
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Mr Mashilo Sipho Mokgola is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences. He has over 9 years of working at an institution of higher learning in the form of University of Venda and holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Venda. He has supervised students at Honours level doing Politics and International Relations. His areas of expertise Includes, foreign policy, conflict resolution, service delivery issues, migration politics, China-Africa politics, the politics of middle east region, climate change politics, the politics of the Bretton woods institutions.
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BAIR (Univen), Hons Pol. (UL), MA (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 8357
Email:[email protected]
Office No: 07, Music Building
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Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MA (UNISA), Dip. Journalism (TF.
Cardiff) Cert. Higher Education Assessment & Moderation, Rhodes; B.Th, BTC.
Phone: +27159628477
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 07, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
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Mr Bvuma Edwin is a Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences. He has worked for over 9 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in Development Studies, Demographics and Migration and has not yet published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. He has supervised Honours students and co-supervised one Masters student. Mr Bvuma Edwin Bobby is a member of the Senate Council of the University.
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BA. PAED (UNIN), BA (Hons) (UNISA), M-Dev (UL)
Phone: +2715 962 8118
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 17, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
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Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: PhD (Uni-Pretoria); MSC (UZ); PGDiP (Stellenbosch); BA (UZ).
Phone: +2715 962 8126
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 10, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
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Dr Thulani Zulu is a Lecturer in the Department of Music. He has worked for over two years in the higher education sector. He specialises in music theory, practical musicianship, and guitars; and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his current work: 1) Article: Shying away from musical revolution: A political perspective on South African contemporary musicians. Author: Dr Thulani Zulu. He is presently supervising a Masters student. Dr Zulu is an aspiring NRF rated researcher. Dr Zulu is the faculty’s website committee member. in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.
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Google Scholar
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BMus (Univen), MAAS (Univen), PhDAS (Univen)
Email: [email protected]
Office No: No.2, Music Building
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Professor Madimabe Geoff Mapaya (NRF C3 rated) holds a PhD in African Studies – specialising in the study of mmino wa setšo (indigenous African music) ¬¬- particularly its implications on the discipline of African musicology. His education and philosophical outlook and research interests are undergirded by a Bachelor of Music (jazz performance), a Higher Certificate in Education from the University of Cape Town and a master’s degree from the University of the Witwatersrand.
Concerned by the prevalent academic tendencies of rendering African knowledge holders voiceless and faceless, his latest research work dutifully seeks to address this problem by foregrounding African indigenous knowledge systems and worldviews and basing it on the rising Ordinary (African) Language Philosophy. His numerous academic articles, book chapters as well as opinion pieces are all attempting to enthrone African musicology and views as opposed to those littered in the dreaded ethnomusicology.
Administratively, Mapaya has served the University of Venda as the Head of the Music Department for three 5 year-terms (fifteen years). He is a member of the University Senate and serves in the Institutional Forum. Mapaya was also the founding member of the erstwhile Indigenous Music and Oral History Project (IMOHP) which ran from the University of Venda. This project was the bedrock for many a PhD and master’s projects. It generated enormous amount of data resulting in several research articles, chapters, and books. It has also elevated the plight and highlighted the role the artists have in African societies.
As an educator, Mapaya taught and natured talented artists ranging from the internationally renowned Tutu Pouane, Mzwakhe Kheswa, Zizwe Kheswa to Lindy Maxolo and many more instrumentalists who are today the mainstays of contemporary South African music. In equal measures, Mapaya supervised and promoted educators and scholars such as Dr Joseph Malinga, Kgaogelo Mailula, Dr Martison Nhamo, Magalane Phoshoko and Mbuti Moloi to name but a few.
Apart from his university duties which include teaching, conducting research and promoting postgraduate studies. Professor Mapaya is also a performing musician with several albums to his name. As a recording and performing artist, he worked with musicians such as Themba Mkhize, Moses Molelekwa, Mcedi Kupa, Sydney Mnisi, Bongani Sokhela, Sandile Jwaai, Jimmy Mgwandi, Nkanyezi Cele, Selaelo Selota, Lulu Gontsana, Buddy Wells Marcus Wyatt and many others. He also served as the chairperson of the erstwhile Musician’s Union of South Africa (MUSA).
Designation: Professor
Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Qualifications: B. Mus (UCT); HED (UCT); M. Mus (Wits); PhD (Univen).
Phone: +27159628631
Email: [email protected]
Office No: L2, Music Building
Dr Rendani Tshifhumulo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences. She has worked for over 20 years in the higher education sector. She is the current Head of the Department of Arts and Social Sciences, member of the Ethical Research Committee, SER, SENATE, Faculty Higher Degree Committee in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. She specialises in Medical Sociology, Sociology of the Family, Contemporary Social Problems, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Culture. Dr Tshifhumulo has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. She has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Tshifhumulo R and Makhanikhe J. (2021). “Handbook of Research on Protecting and Managing Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems,”
2) Makhanikhe, T. J.; Tshifhumulo, R. & Matshidze, P.E. (2021) The use of Signs and Symbols in Communication amongst the Vhavenda. (book chapter) IGI Global, USA.
3) Tshifhumulo, R. (2021) Depicting the Vhavenda Women Initiation Schools and their Cultural Practices in Limpopo Province. (book chapter) IGI Global, USA.
4) Tshifhumulo R. and Ramaite-Mafadza E. (2021) The Elucidation of Marriage: A Case of Vhavenda Indigenous Culture. (book chapter from) Mapaya (2021) “African Epistemology in the 21st Century: Human and Social Science’s Perspectives” University of Venda, SA.
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Senior lecturer and Head of Department
Qualifications: BA, (Hons), PGDip in Education (Rhodes University), MA (UP), PhD (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 8404
Email: [email protected]
Office No: O3, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
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Mr Masila Joshua Masipa is a Lecturer in the Department of Art and Social Sciences. He has worked for over 6 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in Development Studies, Ethics and Solid Waste Management and has not yet published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. He has supervised Honours students. Mr Masila Joshua Masipa is a member of the Senate Council and current Co-Chairperson/ member of a timetable committee in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BA (Ed), BEd, MDev (UL).
Phone: +2715 962 8158
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 05, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Dr Meisie Madzivhandila is a junior Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences. As an emerging academic in the higher education sector, her specialisation is music with concerted passion in Afrobeat and desert blue African music. She has attained the following qualifications: PhD IN African In African Studies, Masters In African Studies, Honours Degree In Music, Higher Certificate In Music
Department: Ats and Social Sciences
Designation: Junior lecturer
Telephone: 0714211272/0834793834
Designation: Senior lecturer and Head of Department
Qualifications: BA, (Hons), PGDip in Education (Rhodes University) MA, PhD (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 8404
Email: [email protected]
Office No: O3, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Prof. Madimabe Geoff Mapaya
Designation: Professor
Qualifications: B. Mus (UCT); HED (UCT); M. Mus (Wits); PhD (Univen).
Phone: +27159628631
Email: [email protected]
Office No: L2, Music Building
Full names: Dr Patric Dzimiri
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: PhD (Uni-Pretoria); MSC (UZ); PGDiP (Stellenbosch); BA (UZ).
Phone: +27159628126
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 10, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Dr Hanyani Aubrey Khosa
Designation: Senior lecturer
Qualifications: BMus (Univen), MTech (TUT), Certificate in Arts Administration (North West University), PhDAS (Univen)
Phone: +2715962 9181
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 01 Arts Gallery
Full names: Mr EB Bvuma
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BA. PAED (UNIN), BA (Hons) (UNISA), M-Dev (UL)
Phone: +2715 962 8118
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 17, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Mr Shandukani F Mathagu
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BAdmin (Hons) (Univen), MA (UNISA), Dip. Journalism (TF.
Cardiff) Cert. Higher Education Assessment & Moderation, Rhodes; B.Th, BTC.
Phone: +27159628477
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 07, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Mr Masila Joshua Masipa
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BA (Ed), BEd, MDev (UL).
Phone: +27159628158
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 05, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Nsizwazonke Ephraim Yende
Designation: nGAP Lecturer
Qualifications: B. CMDST; Hnr. CMDST; MA. DST – UKZN-HC
Phone: +2715 962 8292
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 04, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Dr Thulani Zulu
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BMus (Univen), MAAS (Univen), PhDAS (Univen)
Email: [email protected]
Office No: No.2, Music Building
Full Names: Mr Rudzani Alpheus Mashamba
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BA, BA(Hons) (Univen).
Phone: +2715 962 8174
Email: [email protected]
Office No: C7-10, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Full names: Mr Mashilo Sipho Mokgola
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BAIR (Univen), Hons Pol. (UL), MA (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 8357
Email:[email protected]
Office No: 07, Music Building