Staff Profiles
Department of Youth in Development Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and EducationClick here to view full profile
Dr Keamogetse G. Morwe is a Lecturer in the Department of Gender and Youth Studies. She has worked for over 18 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in violent protests at universities and means that students use to cope with such. Dr Morwe has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. She has supervised Honours and Masters students. Dr Morwe is the former acting head of the “Institute for Gender and Youth Studies. She is currently a Co-Principal Investigator (HSRC-Univen-UP) in the NRF project “understanding violence and aggression in the context of the 2015/16 student movement in South Africa: A psychological well-being perspective” and a member of the website committee in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda
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Full names: Dr Keamogetse G. Morwe
Department: Department of Youth in Development
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Ph.D. in Law and Social Sciences- cum laude (University of Málaga- Spain), M. Soc. Sc. (Social Work), B. Soc. Sc. (Social Work)- merit University of the North-West (Mahikeng campus).
Email: [email protected]
Office No: Kuwait Building
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Dr Thizwilondi Josephine Mudau is a Senior Lecture in the Department of Youth Studies. She has worked for over 14 years in the higher education sector. Dr Thizwilondi Mudau is the current Acting Head of the Department of Youth Studies in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. She specialises in Gender and Youth related issues. She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. She has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Gender & Behaviour, Vol 19, No 1, 2021, ISSN: 1596-9231 Copyright © 2021 Ife Centre for Psychological Studies/Services, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. societal mitigation strategies against sexual abuse of female learners by male teachers in secondary schools in South Africa. Manyage T, Mudau T.J. and FC Sithubi. School of Education Faculty of Humanities Tshwane University of Technology page number 17615.
Department: Department of Youth in Development
Designation: Senior Lecturer and Acting Head of Department
Qualifications: DED (Sociology of Education), PhD in African Studies (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 8223
Email: [email protected]
Office Number : 11 Kuwait Building
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Prof Tsoaledi Daniel Thobejane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Youth Studies. He has worked for over 12 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in gender and developmental economics as well as education. He has supervised and assessed more than 30 Honours students who have graduated from the institute for Gender and Youth Studies. From the more than 15 Masters and six Doctoral students supervised and promoted, close to ten Masters and five doctoral students graduated. He is presently serving as external examiner for Masters and doctoral projects. Prof. Thobejane is the current coordinator of the gender unit in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
- Thobejane, T.D (2012). Violent crime and Apartheid Philosophy: The inextricable twins of social disorder. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. (IJHSS). ISNN.2159-5526.
- Thobejane TD ( 2021): Probing xenophobia and the establishment of a prosperous Africa- History, politics and development studies. African epistemology in the 21st century: A human and social science perspevitive. Editor: Prof.Mapaya. A publication of the University of Venda-2021.(Book chapter).
- Thobejane TD (2021:) Interrogating South African reality and probing the interconnections of language, masculinities and patriarchy in South Africa. UKZN Publication press.
Department: Department of Youth in Development
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: Diploma Community Development (JHB, RSA), MSC (Southern New Hampshire University (Manchester, USA), DED (Massachusetts Amherst USA) PTC (Mokopane)
Phone: +2715 962 8084
Email: [email protected]
Office Number: 02 Kuwait Building
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Dr Marubini Harry Mukwevho is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Youth in Development. He has worked for over 11 years in the higher education sector. His specialisation and areas of interest are Industrial Sociology, Labour relations, Social Research Methodology, Youth Development, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Health, Social Change and Development, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Organization, etc. He supervises Honours, Masters and PhD students. He is currently a sectional coordinator on research supervision in the Department of Youth in Development within the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
- Perceptions of Students with Disabilities on Reasonable Accommodation at a Tertiary Education: A Case of a Rural University in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment, 2021, Volume 9, No. 5.
- Are Citizens Reconfiguring Public Participation? A Response to Municipal Re-Demarcation by Vuwani Community, Vhembe District in South Africa is published in the Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 53 (2), (2018).
- Time Management Challenges on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Study of a Rural University in Limpopo Province, South Africa” is published in the Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa. Special Issue, Dec. 2018, Pp 225-241
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Department: Department of Youth in Development
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: PhD (Sociology)(UNIVEN) M.A (Sociology); B.A Hons (Industrial Sociology); UED (UNIVEN)
Phone: +2715 962 8529
Email: [email protected]
Office Number: 29 Humanities and Social Science Building