Research and Postgraduate office
Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and EducationAbout the Office
In welcoming you to the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education we would like to offer our assistance to you as incipient scholars. Research and Postgraduate Studies is an area that will interest those among you who wish to pursue careers in Policy Analysis, Political Commentators, Journalists, Professionally Trained Teachers, Trained Preachers of the word of God, Historian and Lexicographers to mentioned but some of them. The world of research and postgraduate studies needs dedication and a nuanced sense of commitment. We are here to help you complete your studies within the prescribed times and go and make an impact in society. Some of you may, out of the research you conduct, end up becoming entrepreneurs. The country needs people skilled in research to transform our educational and political landscapes of our country. The advent of the 4IR also opens up opportunities that make the “new” world an exciting and technologically savvy one.
Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Research and Postgraduate Studies. Starting with Honours students to Doctoral candidates we are looking forward to helping you explore new horizons with your cutting-edge research input and make new discoveries part of which we are persuaded will be published in accredited scientific / academic journals to help change mindsets. The portfolio is responsible for developing Master and Doctoral students/candidates to the highest standards to enable them to successfully complete their studies in the minimum possible time by organizing seminars and workshops for them. It is also responsible for research development within Faculty. This includes organizing seminars and workshops for supervisors/promoters.
NRF Rated Researchers
Prof Bongani D Bantwini
Faculty Executive Dean
Rating: C2
Year rating obtained: 2019
Prof Geoff Mapaya
Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Rating: C3
Year rating obtained: 2016
Dr Isaac Ndlovu
Department of English, Media Studies and Linguistics
Rating: C3
Year rating obtained: 2019
Dr Tendai Chari
Department of English, Media Studies and Linguistics
Rating: C3
Year rating obtained: 2018
Research output
To be uploaded soon…
Research funding
Name of funder: Fundisa for Change
Project funded and project duration: Keep it Cool-Climate Change Education (2020-2022)
Amount: R293 250.00
Journal of Educational Studies (JES)
Journal of Educational Studies (JES)
ISSN(Print): 1680-7456
First published: 2003
Submit a paper: Manuscripts and correspondence should be forwarded to Editorial Secretary [email protected]
For more information visit the link below:
Staff profiles
Prof Mashudu C Mashige
Research Professor – Research and Postgraduate office
Designation: Research Professor
Qualifications: BA Ed, BA Hons (English) [UL], MA , D Litt et Phil (English) [UJ], ALPC (Maccuavlei Training Centre)
Phone: +27 (0) 15 962 8496
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 30, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Professor Mashudu C Mashige is currently Research Professor and Deputy Chair of Research and Postgraduate Studies in the office of the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He has worked for the past 31 years in South Africa’s the higher education sector. Prof MC Mashige obtained his Master of Arts and D Lit et Phil in English Literature from the University of Johannesburg, then still known as RAU, in 1996 and 2004 respectively, focusing on Politics and Aesthetics as well as Identity and Culture in contemporary South African poetry written in English. He has worked for the University of Limpopo as Teaching Assistant (1988) Makhado and Venda Colleges of Education before taking up tenure as Senior Lecturer and HOD at Lemana College of Education in 1993. He joined the University of Venda in 1997 where he also served as Head of English Department until he took tenure as Associate Professor at Unisa’s Centre (now Institute) for African Renaissance studies in 2006. He later worked in the Private Sector for two years before he was appointed Associate Professor and Head of Applied Languages at Tshwane University of Technology in 2010. He attained Full Professorship in 2015 while working as Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Humanities. He had a short stint as Executive Dean of Faculty of Humanities at Northwest University in 2018 before he resigned to become and independent researcher. He returned to the University of Venda in April 2019 as Research Professor. He has published extensively in peer reviewed accredited Journals and has three book chapters in South African poetry in English and the constructs and articulation of identity. He has also served as Scientific Editor for the peer-reviewed and accredited Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies, Deputy Editor of the International Journal for African Renaissance Studies. Before leaving Univen in 2006 he was also the Editor-in-chief for the Journal of Educational Studies. Among his recent publication are:
(a) Journal Articles
Cekiso MP, Meyiwa TS and Mashige MC, 2019. Foundation Phase Educators’ experiences with mother tongue instruction in the Eastern Cape. South African Journal of Childhood Education 9 (1) a658.
Raphalalani MR & Mashige MC, 2018. Tshivenda Female Attire: A Socio-cultural Significance In Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies 28 (2) 14pp.
Chaka CP & Mashige MC, 2016. Revisiting the postmodern condition of a higher education landscape: South Africa’s higher education epochal archive 1999-2002. In Journal of Higher Education in Africa / Revue de l’enseignement superieur en Afrique Volume 14 (1) pp19-42 (ISSN 0851-7762)
(b) Book Chapter
Mandende, IP and Mashige, MC. 2018 The Subrogation of Names: A Breakdown of the use of Clan Names in the Vhavenḓa Community. In Mafela MJ, & Ntuli CDD (eds.) Issues of Indigenous African Literature and Onomastics: A Festschrift in Honour of DBZ Ntuli. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-73630-2
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: Google Scholar – Mashudu Churchill Mashige
Research gate: (a)
Orcid Id:
Scopus Author ID: 42862094000
Prof Takalani Samuel Mashau
Associate Professor – Research and Postgraduate office, Interim Deputy Dean Research and Postgraduate Office
Designation: Associate Professor,
Qualifications: Doctor of Education (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 9801
Email: [email protected]
Office No: FF31, New Education Building
Prof Takalani Samuel Mashau is an Associate Professor in Research and Postgraduate Division. He has worked for over 11 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in Educational Management, Educational Law, Multicultural Education and Comparative Education. He has supervised several Honours, Masters and PhD students to completion. Prof Mashau is the current Acting Deputy Dean Research and Postgraduate Studies. He is a member of all research related committees in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
1) Mashau, T.S. & Kena M. 2021. Financing of Higher Education: The Impact Of #Feesmustfall In the South African education context. In: Runhare T. & Gwirayi P. (Eds.). Sociological Foundations of Education in Africa: Perspectives, Contexts and Contemporary Issues. Cape Town. Oxford University Press. pp. 179-199.
2) Herbert Moyo, NF Litshani, TS Mashau, NS Sebopetsa and AB Mohale. 2021. Ghost Worker- Ghost Learner Syndrome: A Panacea in South Africa’s Public Service. Proceedings on the Conference on the Implications of Covid-19 on Gender and Behaviour in Africa. Gender and Behaviour. 94-105.
3) A.B Mohale, N.F Litshani, T.S Mashau & H. Moyo. 2021. A Critical Review on Academic Performance Improvement Plans of Underperforming Rural Public High Schools in Mopani West District, Limpopo Province. Gender & Behaviour, Vol. 19(1). 7344-17364.