International Relations and Partnerships
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Overview International Relations and Partnerships
Internationalisation of higher education has become a priority among most universities globally as it enhances a distinct advantage in the quality of a University’s core business and produces graduates that can compete in the global village. University of Venda (UNIVEN) which established its International Relations Directorate in 2011 recognises that the process of internationalisation will include linking international and local communities and develop globally competent, socially responsible graduates. It cherishes the value of collaboration with South African institutions and is committed to growing national and regional collaboration.
At UNIVEN, the process of internationalisation is fully integrated in the core business. Through the new Strategic Plan 2021-2025, the University is challenged to strengthen its international profile and visibility, as well as to promote reciprocal scholarly partnerships that are characterized by joint international research projects and programmes. Strengthening the management and implementation of strategic partnerships at the University is very key to a successful internationalisation of the core business of the University including the management of signed memoranda of understanding and agreement (MoU/MoA), exchange programmes, short courses, and international joint projects.
UNIVEN vision is to be ‘a university leading in engaged scholarship.’ While its mission is to ‘…produce graduates that are locally relevant and globally competitive’. UNIVEN’s internationalisation process includes a focus on African and particularly, SADC region. Regional collaboration in higher education provides an opportunity to contribute towards uniting and development of regional countries.
UNIVEN understands internationalisation at the institutional level as ‘the process of integrating international and intercultural dimensions into the teaching, research, community engagement and service functions of an institution of higher learning’. Internationalisation of the core business of the university is a core pillar of UNIVEN’s transformation process to become and remain a locally relevant, internationally competitive university.