RULES to be observed during Covid-19 Lockdown Levels
Download Transversal RULES and PENALTIES during lockdown at UNIVEN (pdf) Rules 1. No person is allowed to enter UNIVEN Campus during weekends, before 08:00 am and after 16:00 during weekdays, unless it is an emergency, as screeners will not be available. 2. All staff...
UNIVEN produces hand sanitiser and surface disinfectant to minimize the spread of Coronavirus on campus
The University of Venda (UNIVEN)’s School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences through the leadership of the Dean, Prof Natasha Potgieter has recently put together a Hygiene team that is made up of staff and students from Four (04) University departments to come up...
Every day is a valentine’s day according to Former UNIVEN SRC President Tsundzuka Hakamela
Some of the University of Venda students have on Friday, 14 February 2020 took their time to express their love to their partners during Valentine’s Day. The day is celebrated annually across the globe, it celebrates romantic love, making it a popular day for couples...