Research Ethical Clearance Applications
Kindly note the following regarding Research Ethical Clearance Applications. Revised Process flow of the Research Ethics Clearance application is as follows: Submissions and Presentation of the project proposal at the Departmental and Faculty colloquium/meeting to...
Call for Applications: DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the 2023 Academic Year
The DSI and NRF are pleased to announce a call for new applications for DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the academic year 2023. All continuing students who are eligible for a second or third year of funding must submit a Progress Report and not a new...
Two UNIVEN Staff members are nominated for the NSTF-South 32 Awards 2021/2022
Two University of Venda (UNIVEN) staff members in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture are nominated for the National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) awards. Dr Lawrence Diko-Makia has been nominated as a finalist in three (03) categories for the...