All4WASH is a project funded by the Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NORPART) program with a consortium of partner Universities from Norway (University of Science and Technology), Ghana (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology), South Africa (University of Venda), Tanzania (The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Technology), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University), Mali (National School of Engineers Bamako) and Uganda (Kampala International University).

The overall aim of the project is to strengthen inclusive education and research in sustainable water supply and sanitation. The project also aims to increase the quality of research and advance knowledge in the areas of circular economy, digitalization, governance, equity & inclusion, resource recovery, health, and climate change.

The scholarship is tenable at the Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology campus in Ålesund.

About Smart Water and Environmental Engineering Specialization

Water infrastructure continue to face significant challenges of complex nature in many cities. Rapid urbanization, climate change, ageing infrastructure and the emergence of new contaminants necessitates the need for a paradigm shift towards a new kind of water management intelligence. The advent of Internet of Things (IoT), advanced modelling, simulation and visualization techniques, and a need for more sustainable smart cities, is already leading to a digital transformation of the water sector. Water operation systems are increasingly being integrated with cyber-physical systems, digitalization, and big data.

The MSc. study specialization in smart water and environmental engineering introduces students to traditional engineering approaches, cutting edge digital technologies and data analytics techniques to address complex water challenges within the context of sustainable development.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must have completed a BSc. degree in Engineering with at least a second class upper from an All4WASH south partner University.
  • Must preferably be a female or from a vulnerable group[1] in the home country.
  • Must be committed to conduct MSc. research work in any of the research themes of All4WASH in his/her home country.


  • Full Tuition Fees
  • Round-trip air tickets
  • Monthly Stipends (NOK. 11 229)
  • Small grant for MSc. research work

Application Procedure

Applicants must submit their application and all required documents via the following portal:

Note: In the application portal, prospective applicants must select the Master of Science – Product and System Engineering Program, and indicate in the comment section, they are applying for an All4WASH scholarship in smart water & environmental Engineering

Deadline: 1st December 2022

For further enquiries, please contact the All4WASH project coordinator:

Name: Professor Natasha Potgieter – Project leader for the All4WASH project
E-mail: [email protected]

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