On behalf of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), the CSIR Photonics Centre herewith invite applications for the African Laser Centre Scholarship support program for 2023.

The following documents are attached for your information and convenience:
1. Call announcement for the ALC Scholarship 2023 program.pdf
2. Application form for ALC Scholarships in 2023.docx
3. Student annual progress report template 2022.docx

Please note that the call closes on Friday 28 October 2022. No late submissions will be considered. Please note that existing scholarship holders needs to submit an Annual Progress report as well as a ALC Scholarship continuation application.

No continuation funding will be allocated if a continuation application is not received.

Funding allocations will be made subject to funding support received from the DSI. All submissions must be made electronically to [email protected] and [email protected]

For more information, please contact me or Mr. Thomas du Plooy at the CSIR National Laser Centre.

Good luck with your submissions

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