Dr Eric Maluta, Head of Physics and Coordinator of Vuwani Science Resource Centre
While the University of Venda (UNIVEN) celebrates 40 years of existence and 100 years of Physics in Africa, Dr Eric Maluta, Head of Physics and Coordinator of Vuwani Science Resource Centre, has been nominated as a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP): PHYSICS EDUCATION from 2021- 2024. The International Commission on Physics Education (C14) was established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 1960 to promote the exchange of information and views among members of the international scientific community in Physics Education.
Dr Maluta has been involved in physics teacher’s development training workshop through the South Africa Institute of Physics from 2019. The nomination has come during the time when Dr Maluta requested several education districts in different provinces of South Africa to participate in the teacher’s development training.
He has served as a council member of the South Africa Institute of Physics (SAIP) and he will be assisting SAIP to organise some of the activities to celebrate the International Year for Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD). Both SAIP and IUPAP are deeply committed to contribute towards the application of physics and other scientific disciplines to solve the problems of concern to humanity.
Dr Maluta explained that the nomination comes at the time when IUPAPA declared 2022 as an International Year for Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD) and the celebration of 100 years of Physics in Africa and beyond. His nomination gives UNIVEN an opportunity to have voice in the international physics communities. The University’s Department of Physics is now recognised globally, and this makes the University Venda to be internationally recognised in Physics.
IUPAP was established in 1922 at Brussels with 13 member countries. The Union is composed of members representing identified physics communities. Adhering bodies act through their Liaison Committees. The 13 Countries were: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Holland, Japan, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, and South Africa. Delegates from these Committees meet in the General Assemblies of the Union which are held every three years.
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525
Date: 08 April 2022