Download Declaration letter (pdf)
Download Learner Agreement (pdf)
To: University Community; Active Students
In the light of the challenges faced by several Universities, a number of funding organizations have pledged to assist students/graduates who may have been negatively affected by debt in their study accounts.
Kindly receive the attached call for submission with regard to FASSET bursary fund for historical debt for HDI universities. Kindly share this information with those affected individuals who may have missed the opportunity to receive it. Please observe the deadline as contained in the documents.
- FASSET administrated by USAF is offering us over R2 Million worth of funding for students who are under the age of 35 who have completed undergraduate Finance related qualifications and have not yet received their certificates. These are additional funding to the university if we can show the appetite by end of business on Friday, 11 February 2022 hence we request for the invitation to be broadcasted on UNIVEN Radio. It would also be of great assistance if the information can be shared across many platforms i.e University website, emails as well as social platforms in ensuring we reach as many of the students who has debt.
- A call made to Univen students who have completed undergraduate Finance related qualifications and have not yet received their certificates. Such students must physically avail themselves as manual forms need to be signed and submitted to Financial Aid Office 11 – 015 962 8197. The submission of the documents should be made on or before 12H00 PM, Friday the 11th of February 2022
The following are the requirements of the USAF fund:
- Learner Agreement for students signed as an indication that they have been awarded the bursary.
- Payslips of parents from students and a certified copy of parents ID. – The bursary is meant for students with a household income of between R0 – R600 000. Anybody who comes from a household that earns more than R600 000,00 does not qualify for this bursary.
- If a student
- does not have a parent/guardian, they must sign an affidavit indicating so
- has parents that are unemployed. – they must sign an affidavit that indicates so.
- Student Matric Certificate (certified and not older than three months)
- Student certified ID copy
NB: The submission of the documents should be made on or before 12H00 PM, Friday the 11th of February 2022.
For more information regarding the application and submission, please contact the following staff members at Financial Aid Offices:
Azwianewi Marindili (015) 962 8333 Email: [email protected]
Lindelani Ramudzuli (015) 962 8197 Email: [email protected]