
The Africa Cosmos Education Trust was founded in 2018 to be a beacon of hope to individuals who are unable to pursue their dream to obtain a tertiary education due to their circumstances. The Trust recognises the importance of education and share the sentiments of the late Mr. Nelson Mandela when he stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 

We want to make a difference in the lives of our future leaders by playing a key role in assisting them to develop a sound foundation for their tertiary education and in developing their skills. We aim to achieve this through a holistic support programme that involves financial aid, mentoring, and imparting valuable life skills. 

Closing date: 31 August 2022

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • South African citizens who are unemployed and not older than 35 years
  • Potential students who are South African Citizens and have completed their Senior Certificate (Matric) who are enrolling at an accredited and recognised institution (University or Technical College)
  • Enrolled full-time students in their first, second, third, or fourth year of study at an accredited and recognised tertiary educational institution. (Refer to Annexure 1 in the Bursary Application Form.)
  • Financially challenged students due to income levels and/or the employment status of their parents or guardians
  • Best academically performing students – of which academic merit will be assessed (academic records or statement of results) when awarding bursaries

How to apply:

  • Interested and eligible applicants must complete, and sign the documents listed below:
    o Africa Cosmos Education Trust Bursary Application form.
    o Africa Cosmos Education Trust Bursary Agreement.
    o Africa Cosmos Education Trust Bursary Policy (initial every page and sign the last page.)
  • All applicants are expected to have a valid personal email address for ease of communication.
  • Only successful applicants will be contacted.
  • Please send the completed and signed documents to:
    Jessie Radebe – [email protected]
    Miffy Moodley – [email protected]

Qualifications Schedule: 

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 
  • Agriculture 
  • Architecture 
  • Trades 
  • Project Management

Download below documents for more information:

  1. Africa Cosmos Bursary Advertisement 2022.pdf
  2. Bursary Policy.pdf
  3. Bursary Agreement.pdf
  4. Bursary Application Form.pdf
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