Ten years before the birth of Takalani Vincent Ratshibvumo, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his legendary ‘I Have a Dream’ speech—an address that inspired millions and changed the course of history. Little did King know that his words, spoken in 1963, would also resonate with a young student at the University of Venda (UNIVEN) three decades later.

At just 22 years old, Ratshibvumo left university to serve as a public prosecutor at the Vu-wani Magistrate Court. Armed with a B Iuris and LLB from the University of Venda, and later an LLM cum laude from the University of Johannesburg, his academic achievements were al-ready impressive. But his journey did not stop there. In recognition of his outstanding academ-ic performance, Ratshibvumo was awarded the prestigious Chancellor’s Gold Medal, becoming the first African student to receive this honour at RAU (now the University of Johannesburg).
In 2000, at the age of 27, he made history again by becoming the youngest magistrate in South Africa. His meteoric rise continued as he was appointed Regional Magistrate, during which time he earned the Lamp of Knowledge trophy from ARMSA three years in a row—an unprecedented achievement.
But Ratshibvumo’s dreams did not end with his judicial appointments. In 2021, he was ap-pointed as a Judge of the High Court, and on December 1, 2024, President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed him as the Deputy Judge President for the Mpumalanga Division of the High Court.
Ratshibvumo’s story is a testament to the power of dreaming big. It serves as an inspira-tion for anyone who comes from humble beginnings or faces overwhelming challenges. Much like Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of equality and justice, Ratshibvumo’s journey shows that with determination, perseverance, and unwavering faith in one’s dreams, anything is possible.
As we step into 2025, let this story be a reminder that dreams are not bound by cir-cumstance. They are limitless and can propel anyone, no matter their background, to great heights. Just as Ratshibvumo once stood in the halls of UNIVEN inspired by Dr King’s words, we too can look to the future and dream of a better tomorrow.
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811