The purpose of the National Science Week (NSW) in South Africa is to promote awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and their critical role in socio-economic development. Held annually, National Science Week 2024 aimed to inspire public interest in scientific fields, encourage young people to pursue careers in STEM, and foster a culture of innovation and curiosity across the nation. The Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Agriculture (FSEA) at the University of Venda held over three (3) days of technological engagements with the country at large soon after the Minister of the Department of Science and Innovation officially launched the NSW2024 in Bloemfontein.
With the theme, “Living in High-Tech World: Should we be concerned?”, UNIVEN FSEA engaged in discussions around Data Science, Scams and tricks in banking hacks technologies, the use and abuse of technology, and smart farming over the three days.
Through workshops, exhibitions, and community outreach, the NSW2024 aims to inspire young people to pursue STEM careers, bridge educational gaps, and foster a culture of scientific inquiry.
From the Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, Mr Gilbert Dzawo directed the day 1 programme at the UNIVEN Research Centre. He gave highlights of the scientific jargons from experts and speakers for the lay-man’s understanding.

On Photo: Prof Lutendo Murulana Deputy Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Agriculture.
Professor Lutendo Murulana, the Deputy Dean of Research and Postgraduate Stud-ies, FSEA, officially welcomed the participants and guests of the National Science Week on behalf of Professor Natasha Potgieter. In His opening and welcoming remarks, he em-phasised the role of the faculty in taking the science from the confines of the univer-sity to the community. Prof Murulana encouraged scientists to look at the university’s strategic thrust aligning to linkages and community engagements and take the oppor-tunity to drive science to the community and also allow the people to raise their concerns.
Dr Lutendo Mathomu from the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology gave the pur-pose of the National Science week, and further encouraged participants to engage in discus-sions and act as vehicles to take the science to the communities. The speakers for day 1 includ-ed Dr Simiso Moyo, Head from the Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences who addressed the audience on the importance of data science in the world of technology; Mr Sam Khoza, the Director of ICT spoke on the concerning issue of cyber security emphasis-ing on the awareness around scams which seek to defraud people of their hard-earned money.

Dr Simiso Moyo emphasising the importance of data management and security to ensure proper storage
for future use.

Mr Sam Khoza explained the importance of staying alert when using digital devices connected to the wireless fidelity (wi-fi) in public places. He urged participants to look out for scams and tricks aimed at unsuspecting users of worldwide webs.

Participants of the day 1 of the National Science Week 2024 listening and participating attentively engaging with the speakers during the presentations and panel discussions

The panel members, Mr Sam Khoza and Dr Simiso Moyo interacting with participants during the Q&A and discussion session.
On behalf of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, the Faculty Manager, Mrs Julia Sigama gave a word of appreciation to the guests, participants and panel members.

L-R: Mr Sam Khoza (Director: ICT), Dr Bonginkosi Twalo (HSRC), and Dr Simiso Moyo (HoD: Mathematical and Computational Sciences). Mrs Julia Sigama handed a token of appreciation to the special guests.
Day 2 of the National Science Week had discussions online on universi-ty platforms such as MSTeams and Youtube with a feature on facebook. The dis-cussions were hosted by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture. Ses-sions were chaired by Professor Edwin Madala and moderated by Dr Lutendo Mathomu.
Dr Sophie Mulaudzi welcomed the participants on behalf of the Executive Dean, Prof Na-tasha Potgieter. The discussions featured international speakers amongst others,
Prof Olubunmi Abayomi Omotesho who is the current Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Teaching in the University of Ilorin in Nigeria, emphasised the need to encompass smart technology in agricul-ture without displacing the labour force. Dr Livhuwani Masevhe from the Science and Innova-tion Department’s human capital and science promotion, presented a newly discovered technol-ogy patented with the University of Venda and earmarked for smart technology for Africa and the world. Prof Eric Maluta (Director of the GTCI) encouraged participants who are scientists to take their expertise to the communities to ensure knowledge transfer and development. Dr Mlu Ganto also emphasised the need to develop technologies that are patentable for the bene-fit of the communities. He further encouraged scientists to visit the Technology Transfer office for any matter regarding technologies and patenting including intellectual property registrations.
Find the discussions on YouTube through the links below:
Day 1: Link to First Day Discussions: Data Science & Scams
Day 2: Link to MS-Teams Talks: The Use & Abuse of Technology
Day 3: Link to Crop Farmers Talks: Smart Farming
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Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
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