The University of Venda through the School of Law, Public Law Department held a pre-training meeting hosting the Manenzhe Traditional Council led by Thovhele (Chief) Vho-Manenzhe. The meeting was held on Thursday, 17 June 2021 in the Council Chambers. The pre-training meeting follows an invitation by the Manenzhe Traditional Council (under the traditional leadership of Thovhovhele Vho– Manenzhe T.E) for training on the latest ‘Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Act 3 of 2019’ (‘Act’).

Attendees of the Pre-Training during Pre-Training
The Act was signed into law in 2019 by President Cyril Ramaphosa and commenced with effect from 01 April 2021 as proclaimed by the President under Proclamation No. 38, published in Government Gazette No. 43981 of 11 December 2020. The Act has since repealed (replaced) the previous Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act 41 of 2003.
The School of Law Executive Committee resolved, following an invitation by the University’s Community Engagement Directorate to have the training facilitated by the Public Law Department led by Professor Ademola Oluborode Jegede.
The purpose of the pre-training meeting was to obtain specifics and or clear guidelines from the Manenzhe Traditional Council on the planned training.
The meeting was directed by Adv. Tshilidzi Norman Raphulu, a lecturer in the School of Law, Public Law Department. In attendance amongst the University delegates were the former Dean of School of Law, Professor Lonias Ndlovu, Professor Jegede (convener and Head of Public Law Department) Professor Joseph Francis (The Institute for Rural Development), Adv. Hlako Choma (Senior Lecturer, Public Law), Adv. Walter Makulana (Lecturer, Public Law), Mr. Phuthi Thokolo (Head of the Law Clinic) and Mr. Emmanuel Masindi (Attorney, Law Clinic). Chief Manenzhe was accompanied by members of the Manenzhe Traditional Council.

Professor Ademola Oluborode Jegede
Professor Lonias Ndlovu delivered an opening and welcome address. During the deliberation session, Chief Manenzhe provided some context on the planned training. The Chief indicated that the government has since the commencement of the new Act given all senior traditional leaders, including himself, until the 31 of March 2021 to have elected new traditional leadership councils in compliance with the provisions of the new Act. As such, the Chief and his Council saw it fit to obtain some form of training from the University to acquire sufficient working knowledge on the new Act to help them elect a properly constituted Council as required by the new Act.
The Chief indicated that they chose the University of Venda for this training specifically targeting the School of Law as they (Council) consider it one of the best law schools in the Country. Moreover, according to the Chief, the training will help them understand the relevant legislative provisions relating to the newly introduced traditional and Khoi-san leadership which has since been introduced into the existing traditional leadership structures.
It was agreed during the meeting that the training will amongst other things focus on explanation of definitional concepts of the Act, issues of gender representation in traditional council structures (from local to national) and issues of municipal representation, as contemplated by the Act. It was further agreed that the workshop will be held at Manenzhe village and it will be attended by the Manenzhe Traditional Council, local traditional councils, and various local community stakeholders under the traditional jurisdiction of Chief Manenzhe. The training will be spread over several days to ensure the health and safety of participants and in compliance with COVID-19 regulations. The local stakeholders identified for training include School governing bodies, SANCO, Ward Councillors, Ward Committees, Home Based Cares and farmer’s representatives. Furthermore, the School of Law intends to award all the participants of the training with certificates of attendance.
The dates for the workshop were yet to be announced; however the workshop would take place late July 2021. The relevant University and government Covid-19 protocols were observed during the pre-training meeting.

A group photo of attendees of the Pre-Training meeting
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525 /8710
Date: 28 June 2021