The Call for Applications for the Infrastructure: National Equipment Programme (NEP) for funding in the year 2023 was published and opened on 09 June 2022. The NRF is therefore arranging a virtual proposal development workshop for applicants intending to submit applications in this NEP call. The workshop is divided into two sessions as follows:

Session 1 which is aimed at prospective NEP applicants and will provide an overview of the NEP proposal requirements and guidance on how to write a good proposal that meets the set requirements.

Session 2 is aimed at NEP applicants that have draft proposals and require further guidance. This session will focus on specific sections of the NEP proposal and assist applicants to structure their proposals, and address specific queries related to their draft NEP application.

All Framework and Funding and Application Guide documents as well as the General Application Guide, are available on the NRF website at Applications must be submitted electronically on the NRF Connect Platform at

Session 1

Date: Tuesday, 5 July 2022
Time: 08h30 – 13h00
Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID: 917 7191 7140
Password: 536889

For more information regarding the workshop contact Ms. Sphumelele Duma at: [email protected] or Tel: +27 12 481 4282.

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