The University of Venda’s Department of Public and Development Administration, part of the Faculty of Management, Commerce, and Law, recently hosted the National School of Government (NSG) Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions at the 2Ten Hotel in Sibasa on 29-30 October 2024. This event marks the beginning of a three-year training contract awarded to the department by the NSG, aimed at training public servants in Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces through the Advanced Management Development Programme (AMDP) and Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP).

On photo: NSG delegates led by Mr Albert Koloko and Deon Bloemstein with University of Venda facilitators led by Prof Harry Munzhedzi.
Over 30 participants, including approved and potential facilitators, attended the sessions, which focused on equipping them to execute the training effectively.
In his opening remarks, Prof Harry Munzhedzi, Head of the Department of Public and De-velopment Administration at the University of Venda, expressed his gratitude to the NSG for this valuable training opportunity. He acknowledged that for many participants, this was their first experience with such a programme and highlighted the importance of the col-laboration between UNIVEN and NSG. Prof. Munzhedzi also praised the involvement of de-partmental colleagues and external experts, expressing excitement about their readi-ness to implement the programme. “The team is prepared for implementation,” he affirmed.

On photo: Director of Client Relations and Learner Records at the National School of Government, Mr Albert Koloko
Mr Albert Koloko, Director of Client Relations and Learner Records at the NSG, provided an over-view of his directorate’s role in managing registration and enrolment for training programmes. He emphasised the importance of collaboration between UNIVEN and the NSG for the suc-cess of these initiatives. Koloko outlined the structure of training programmes based on gov-ernment service levels and discussed logistical responsibilities, including venue management and the need for pre-approved trainers. He stressed the necessity of accurate attendance re-cords and the timely submission of course reports within ten days of training sessions, un-derscoring the importance of clear communication between the project office and facilitators.

On photo: Assistant Director at the National School of Government, Ms Charlotte Choshi.
Ms Charlotte Choshi elaborated on the processes for issuing certificates, conducting assessments, and moderating the AMDP and EMDP programmes. She highlighted her directorate’s role in man-aging post-training activities, such as maintaining attendance records and processing payments to service providers. Choshi stressed the importance of Portfolios of Evidence (POE) that students must submit upon completing the programme. “Qualified assessors and moderators will be de-ployed to ensure effective evaluation of learners’ competencies, focusing on their understanding and application of knowledge rather than merely correct answers,” she explained. She conclud-ed by emphasising the need for thorough documentation throughout the assessment process.

On photo: Ms Tshetsana Ratlou, Director of Professionalisation National School of Government
Ms Tshetsana Ratlou addressed the professionalisation of Education, Training, and Development (ETD) practitioners within the NSG, emphasising the importance of recognising their qualifications collectively. She introduced a new unit dedicated to their development, structured around three key pillars: recruit-ment and selection (already completed), professional development, and performance management.
The second session featured a Q&A segment, followed by facility inspections where participants visited the University’s printing section, which will be responsible for printing learning materials and certificates. In the final session, facilitators were screened and allocated specific module themes to present, demonstrating their engagement strategies with students in 15 to 20-minute time slots.
This collaborative effort aims not only to enhance the skills of public service man-agers but also to strengthen the ties between the University of Venda and the Na-tional School of Government, ultimately benefiting the communities they serve.
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Department Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
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