We are proud to announce that UNIVEN has an online giving platform as an option for making donations. It is a convenient and secure way to make a once-off or recurring donations.
To give online:
1. Visit: www.univen.ac.za
2. Click “Give”
3. The new page will have a “DONATE NOW” button
4. Click “DONATE NOW”
5. The option will provide you with five steps to go through in less than five minutes to complete your donation
The former state president, Mr Nelson Mandela once said “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived; it is what the difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the lives we lead”. Let us make a difference to the lives of our students by donating to one or more of the projects listed, decide on the amount and the frequency of our donations.
Thank you for your donation regardless of the size of the donation because any donation makes a significant difference to the experiences and lives of our students and children.If you have any question, difficulty or challenges in online donation, do not hesitate to contact:
Mashudu Ramaleba
Alumni Relations Officer
Tel: 015 962 8338
Email: [email protected]