The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) received an invitation from the Secretariat of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to participate in the Annual Scholarship programme for 2022. They launched this special scholarship programme to fund eligible tertiary students from the SADC Member States to pursue full-time taught Masters, Doctoral, Postdoctoral Studies or Research programmes. SADC Annual Scholarships are intended to honour SADC Founders and increase the level of citizens’ awareness of the history of Southern Africa’s liberation, cooperation, and regional integration, along with recognizing the importance of their contributions to the SADC. The research scholarship is offered to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (with a master’s degree as a minimum requirement), who intend to pursue doctoral or post-doctoral research.

Eligibility criteria
There will be a total of five (5) annual scholarships, two (2) for doctoral studies and three (3) for master’s level research Applicants must:

1. Be a citizen of a SADC Member State;
2. Return to country of citizenship upon completion of the studies;
3. Hold an appropriate undergraduate degree from a recognized university in a relevant field for a Master’s programme;
4. Hold a Master’s Degree in a related subject that will enable you to gain entry onto a Doctoral and/or Postdoctoral programme at a university in the SADC region; and
5. SADC Secretariat Staff and their immediate families are not eligible to apply for these scholarships;
6. For Master’s Programmes, Male applicants must be at least 30 years old and younger while female applicants must be at least 35 years old and younger;
7. For Doctoral Programmes, Male applicants must be at least 35 years old and younger while female applicants must be at least 40 years old and younger.

The scholarship will cover:

1. A monthly living allowance of USD 1,000.00 (R15 433.50) to cover essential expenditure paid to the students’ official bank accounts;
2. Tuition fees;
3. Health insurance;
4. An economy class return airfare; and Housing allowance.

Fields of study:

1. Taught Masters
2. Doctoral
3. Postdoctoral Studies or Research

Application Process
Applications can only be submitted through the SADC National Contact Points at Member States level:

Application documents:

1. Certified copies of academic certificates and transcripts;
2. Certified copies of Passport or National I.D. card indicating citizenship;
3. Recent coloured passport-size photograph;
4. Detailed CV with names and contacts of three referees;
5. Copy of admission letter from a recognized University in the SADC region;
6. Two (2) Reference Letters with contact details; and
7. An essay of not more than 500 words that explains why the candidate has chosen his/her particular field of study and its importance to the memories of the SADC Founders.

Application Form:

Closing date:
Closing dates applications for the SADC Annual Scholarships 2022 is 30 April 2022 any late or incomplete application forms will not be considered or accepted

All online-completed application and supporting documents should submitted to Mr M Sello Tlhatlha and Ms Jacky Smit (before or on the given deadlines) to the following e-mail addresses ([email protected]  and [email protected])

Mr Sello Tlhatlha
Tel: 012 919 7159
Email: [email protected]

For Further Enquiries:
Ms Jacky Smit
Tel: 012 319 7019
Email: [email protected]

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