Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era 

In response to the unprecedented break that the University had to face due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CHETL – ADU team has developed a protocol aimed at accelerating quality teaching and learning at the University of Venda. The protocol guides both academic staff and students in continuing with support and development services from Academic Development Unit during and maybe beyond the COVID-19 period. There are suggested practices that are recommended by ADU which include e-mentoring, e-tutoring. This is critical in the sense that vulnerable first entering students might find themselves confused and lost in their studies. Regarding academic staff development, online evaluation of lecturers by students should take precedence in the development of academic staff. While other support and development programmes for staff might take place online on request at this stage, we commit ourselves to customise all existing material for online provision because online might be the future practice. This is the time for normalising the unusual. So, we are ready to face the challenge. 



1. E-mentoring and e-tutoring to be encouraged in all modules that have MenTuts. MenTuts are expected to continue giving support to their mentees or tutees during this time. 

2. Where possible please create videos or audio sessions of sections that students find difficult in their various modules. Post these on the most preferred technology that is used for learning by the students. 

3. Please note that you are not allowed to share a video or any other learning material with your group without the approval of the module lecturer though. 

4. Gather contact details of all your mentee/tutees and create a group chat where possible. This can be through WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. 

5. Claim processing: Note that should there be convincing evidence that you were supporting fellow students during this face to face break, you will safely claim for MenTut payment. 

6. A MenTut should avoid face to face contact with mentees and tutees to minimise the spread of corona virus. Please honour this request until such time the ban is lifted by the national health officials. 

7. Language Assistants are available to assist with assignments. Through email or any other form of social media. 


While face to face classes are on suspension, teaching and learning can be kept as active as ever. It is the module lecturer’s responsibility to ensure that students are kept busy in the process while we await the global, national and institutional situation to normalise. 

Student evaluation of lecturers 

Students are encouraged to evaluate the teaching practices that happen in their respective modules using technology. This can be the use of Blackboard, WhatsApp, Facebook, Zoom, Teams, etc. lecturers should then encourage their students to evaluate them by log in on the Blackboard and complete the online evaluation form. 

Below are steps to follow on conducting an online evaluation on Blackboard: 

  • Login to your course on Blackboard 
  • On the menu bar, click on “take survey” 
  • complete survey 
  • submit 

NB: please note that this is for students who will be completing the online survey 3 

Academic staff workshops 

It is evident that planned workshops for this semester will no longer take place as scheduled. So, should you need some staff development workshop such as portfolio development workshop, curriculum development workshop, assessment etc. at departmental or school level, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Portfolio development material are uploaded on the ADU Blackboard site. In case you need that, please contact Mr Willie Xazela to link you to the site for ease of access. 

We are available to provide online workshops through Zoom or Skype to promote social distancing amongst colleagues. 

New academic staff members 

It is a pleasure that a training workshop for new staff was conducted at the end of February 2020. However, we understand that these colleagues might continue to find it not easy to navigate the teaching and learning space at the teaching and learning space at the University of Venda. Please note that ADU is there for you and we shall try to assist you with your teaching and learning related challenges. Below are contact details of ADU colleagues: 

The E-Learning practitioners are available to assist on any e-learning related issue. The following are their E-Mail addresses and cell numbers: 

1. [email protected] +27 (83) 399-2504 (HoD} 

2. [email protected] 0791498862 

3. [email protected] (079) 764-7686 

4. [email protected] (079) 360-8210 

Support emails 

1. [email protected](for staff) 

2. [email protected] (for students) 



# We-can-do-this-together 



#Leave no-one behind! 


Issued by: Department of Communications & Marketing 

University of Venda 

Tel: (015) 962 8525 

Date: 27 March 2020 

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