The Travel Bursary is available for suitable students from UNIVEN or a member of staff of Junior Lecturer status. The focus of the Abe Bailey Trust is leadership development, and the Trustees wish the bursaries to be awarded to persons who are academically strong and have shown exceptional qualities of leadership and service, with a good track record not only on campus but also in a wider social context and who are able to function as part of a select and highly skilled group.


The Objectives of the Travel Bursary are to broaden the views of young South Africans
➢ to effect greater co-operation and understanding of different viewpoints and opinions among those with various language and cultural backgrounds
➢ to encourage leadership that demonstrates open debate and mutual respect of others
➢ to enable outstanding South African students who show exceptional leadership and a strong service ethic to experience British culture and participate in an interactive programme, and examine its significance in the context of South African history
➢ to foster enterprise, commitment and effective participation in a common future
➢ to promote South African unity


  1. A personal letter of motivation as to why he/she is applying for this travel bursary to Britain;
  2. A current CV;
  3. Two recent letters of reference that address the suitability of the candidate to meet the Objectives of this travel bursary;
  4. Copies of ID and university academic record;
  5. Copies of university merit/achievement certificates (limited to five);
  6. Details of leadership roles in the community and at university; and
  7. A Certified Copy of the Student’s Department of Health Vaccination Certificate.



Application From:
Abe Bailey 2022 Application form (002)

Closing Date: 13 May 2022

Contact Persons
Please submit your application and documents to; Ms. Vusani Mavhungu [email protected] and Copy Ms. Nontlanhla Ntakana [email protected]

If you need clarity on the content, objectives or general guidelines please contact; Thabo Dikgale [email protected]

Supporting Documents:
Abe Bailey Bursary – Objectives of Bursary 2022
Abe Bailey Trust – Conditions of Award

All the best!


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