The University of Venda held an unprecedented virtual graduation on Friday, 18 September 2020 in which thirty two graduates were conferred prestigious awards for excellence in various award categories. These awards were sponsored by alumni, individuals and business.
‘As a rural boy, I made and drove toy wire cars, built kids’ huts from waste of dry maize plants and played soccer in the dusty village of Vuvha, in Venda, Limpopo Province,’ says an ecstatic Ndivho Mukwevho, the Overall Best student in the University during his interview with UNIVEN Alumni News.
It is a cyclical nature of history that history repeats itself and Vuvha village, which produced Dakalo Vincent Ramufhi in 2016 as the Overall Best Student in the University and the Best student in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, produces yet again after almost five years, Ndivho ‘purpose’ as the 2020 Overall Best Student in the University and the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences.
I have always found it difficult to disappoint my father, a local teacher and my mother who used positive reward system for every excellent achievement at school, ‘ says Ndivho on being asked about his role models.
The Overall Best students for other schools are Nelca Kgatuke, School of Agriculture; Mokgadi Desiree Lebepe, School of Education; Khodani Nemaranzhe , School of Health Sciences; Lesiba Gift Tshehla, School of Human and Social Sciences; Chidochache Gowera, School of Law; Rumbidzai Tongogara, School of Management Sciences and Linky Mathebula School of Environmental Sciences.
This is Part One of UNIVEN Alumni News Graduation Awards Special Edition.
Graduation Awards Special Edition Part Two will feature interviews with graduation awards recipients about their personal and educational trajectory towards these wonderful achievements.
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