The University of Venda on Wednesday, 11 December 2024 held its annual Vice- Chancellor and Principal year-end function, celebrating the hard work and dedication of its staff while marking the end of a remarkable year. The event was a fitting occasion to recognise employees who have shown exceptional loyalty and commitment to the university, as well as to bid a fond farewell to 16 retirees who have contributed to the institution’s growth and success over the years.
The function, which took place at the University Auditorium brought together staff and senior leadership for a day of recognition, reflection, and gratitude. Key highlights of the event included the presentation of Long Service Awards to 87 staff members who have dedicated between 10 (53 recipients), 20 (13 recipients), 30 (20 recipients) and 40 (two recipients) years of service to the university. Messrs Calvin Mulidzi and Fhatuwani Netshiluvhi received awards for serving the University for 40 years. These employees were honoured for their steadfast commitment to excellence, their role in shaping the university’s culture, and their contribution to the success of students and academic programmes.
In addition to the long service recognitions, the university also bid a heartfelt farewell to 16 esteemed retirees of whom 8 were females and 8 males. These individuals, whose careers span many decades, were celebrated for their outstanding work across various departments. The retirees were acknowledged for their leadership, mentorship, and unwavering dedication, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations of scholars, staff, and students at the university.
“We are incredibly proud of the long-term dedication and passion our staff has shown over the years,” said the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Bernard Nthambeleni. “As we bid farewell to our retirees, we express our deepest gratitude for their invaluable contribu-tions to our university. Their work has not only shaped the institution but has also had a profound impact on the many students they mentored and the community they served.”
In his speech at the Year-End function, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Bernard Ntham-beleni expressed heartfelt gratitude for the staff’s dedication and hard work, highlighting the University’s achievements in 2024, including stable academic operations, growing research outputs, and improved national rankings. He praised the university’s international collabora-tions and ongoing infrastructure development, while also acknowledging the challenges posed by financial constraints and reduced government subsidies. He recognised the contributions of long-serving staff members and retirees, remarking that their legacy would continue to inspire the institution. The Vice-Chancellor concluded by wishing everyone a joyful festive season and a successful 2025 academic year, thanking them for their role in the university’s transformation.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Prof Sebi Lekalakala-Mokgele welcomed staff and guests. In her welcome remarks, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor thanked the retirees for their dedicated service, highlighting their vital contributions to the university’s success. She expressed gratitude to both the support staff, whose behind-the-scenes efforts were crucial to smooth op-erations, and the academic staff, whose teaching and mentorship inspired excellence. She en-couraged retirees to embrace their new phase of life by pursuing their passions, while empha-sising that their impact on the university would be remembered. Concluding with a scripture from Isaiah, she wished them health, happiness, and fulfilment in their well-deserved retirement.
The Director of Human Resources, Mrs Uanda Ndou, emphasised that retirement is not an end, but the beginning of a new phase in life. She encouraged retirees to start thinking about how they will occupy themselves in this next chapter, viewing it as an opportunity to implement and realise their dreams. She urged them to embrace this phase, which is filled with endless pos-sibilities, and to make the most of these “bonus years,” enjoying the years ahead to the fullest.
The event also included speeches from Service staff, Admin and Academic represen-tatives. They reflected on their years at UNIVEN and shared personal stories of the friendships, challenges, and milestones they encountered throughout their careers.
When representing Service Workers, Mr Alfred Mutoti said we are coming from far with this university. We have witnessed this university growing for many decades. He started working for UNIVEN in 1986 March.
Mr Amon Mbuvha Represented Administrative Staff said that this is a moment of celebration, reflection, and gratitude as we bid farewell to our friends and colleagues, leaving behind a leg-acy of excellence and progress at the university. Our journey has been marked by dedication, professionalism, and kindness, making us the heart and soul of this institution. Retirement marks the start of a new adventure, and though we will be missed, our impact will always be remembered. We thank our colleagues, university management for their support and oppor-tunities to grow, and above all, God for guiding us to this moment. Thank you, and God bless.
Prof Rachael Lebese, speaking on behalf of the retired academics, expressed gratitude to the support staff, students, fellow academics, and university management for their contri-butions. She thanked the support staff for creating a conducive environment, the students for their engagement, and management for providing growth opportunities, including in-ternational exposure. She also praised the Executive Dean of Health Sciences for her com-passion and leadership. She concluded by assuring the university that retirees would con-tinue to be ambassadors, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
To add the celebratory mood of the Year End function, Mr Jerry Mahlangu showed his special exception-al talent by performing a Stage play called Vhafunzi. The moral of the stage play was that not everyone entrusted with authority in society is trustworthy. Therefore, it is our responsibility to critically evaluate what we encounter and allow only those with integrity and strong moral character to be part of our lives.
The Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mr Botwe Kraziya in his closing remarks, highlighted the deep con-nection between work and personal life, celebrating the retirees for their pivotal role in the university’s success. He thanked the event organisers, praised a creative stage play, and reflected on the university’s growth over time. Assuring retirees that the university is in capable hands, he reaffirmed the commit-ment to excellence and future growth. He concluded by wishing everyone a joyful holiday and safe travels.
The university Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Bernard Nthambeleni reiterated his pro-found gratitude to all staff, both current and retiring, and emphasised the continued com-mitment to fostering a supportive and vibrant academic community for years to come.

On photo: Retirees with the Vice-Chancellor and Principal and some members of SMC

On group photo: Vice-Chancellor and Principal with the recipients of the 40 Years Awards (2nd and 3rd from left), alongside members of the Senior Management Committee (SMC), celebrating years of dedication and excellence

Group photo: Vice-Chancellor and Principal with the recipients of the 30 Years Awards and some members of SMC

Group photo: Vice-Chancellor and Principal with the recipients of the 20 Years Awards and some members of SMC

Group photo: Vice-Chancellor and Principal with the recipients of the 10 Years Awards and some members of SMC
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Department Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811