On Thursday, 13 February 2025, the University of Venda celebrated World Radio Day under the theme: “The Role of Radio in Educating Communities about Climate Change.” The event drew students, staff members, including representatives from local radio stations such as Phalaphala FM, UNIVEN FM, Vhembe FM, Choice FM, and Makhado FM. This event was held at the University’s Sports Hall.

Attendees of the World Radio Day Commemoration and Phalaphala FM’s Birthday Celebration at UNIVEN Sports Hall
As the guest speaker, Phalaphala FM’s Programmes Manager, Mrs Sharon Ravele, opened her address by acknowledging the efforts of both the university and Phalaphala FM in tackling the issue of climate change. Mrs Ravele emphasised that climate change is a global issue that affects everyone, not just local communities or specific radio stations. She likened the climate to a human being: if treated well, it thrives; if mistreated, it becomes hostile. Mrs Ravele further outlined the human activities contributing to climate change and discussed potential measures to mitigate its effects.
She urged the radio personalities to work together with scientists and researchers and raise aware-ness by educating communities on environmental sustainability.
Various radio personalities and students who attended this event also contributed to the discus-sion, focusing on the importance of sustainable practices, including reducing deforestation. Mrs Ravele called on Radio Stations Management to assess the way their radio stations are addressing climate change and to explore ways to incorporate climate education into their programming.
In his opening and welcome remarks, Director Marketing, Branding and Communication, Dr Taka-lani Dzaga highlighted the impact that radio has made in people’s lives and communities around the world. He emphasised the way radio bridges distance, bringing people together and providing a platform for communities in remote areas to be heard.
Dr Dzaga underscored the role of radio in providing education, information, and entertainment within communities. He noted that radio is crucial in providing hope and emotional support, offer-ing post-traumatic healing in difficult situations.
Dr Dzaga also appreciated the coincidence of the World Radio Day Commemoration with Phalapha-la FM’s 60th birthday, marking a significant milestone. He encouraged attendees to reflect on ra-dio’s positive influence and to continue to use the medium as a tool for sharing knowledge, build-ing respect, and inspiring future generations.
Mr Makonde Mbedzi, representing the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF), reiterated the forum’s commitment to supporting community radio stations in educating and empowering audi-ences on environmental issues.
UNIVEN Media Studies Lecturer, Mrs Todani Nodoba shared her experience of working as a free-lancer at Phalaphala FM many years ago and the time she was the SABC News reporter in 2005. Mrs Nodoba noted that much of her research has focused on radio and emphasised its critical role in fostering democracy globally. She described radio as a “friend, a companion, an informer, an entertainer, and an educator.” She further explained why World Radio Day is celebrated, noting that the observance was proposed by UNESCO around 2011, with February 13 being proclaimed as World Radio Day. Mrs Nodoba stressed the importance of celebrating the day under the 2025 theme of ‘Radio and Climate Change.’ She encouraged attendees to consider the way radio can address the challenge of global warming and climate change. Mrs Nodoba expressed her commit-ment to working with Mrs Ravele and other partners in addressing climate change for the benefit of society and South Africa as a whole. As part of the Department of English, Media Studies, and Linguistics, she vowed to collaborate closely with radio stations to tackle these pressing issues.
Ms Ndzumbululo Mulaudzi from Ismail Mahomed Centre for Human and Peoples’ Rights spoke about human rights services offered by this Centre. She also encouraged stakeholders to collabo-rate on climate change projects.
The event concluded with closing remarks by UNIVEN FM Station Manager, Ms Tshilidzi Shirinda, who expressed gratitude to all the participants and speakers for their valuable contributions to the event. She commended the collaboration between the local radio stations and UNIVEN in raising awareness about climate change and promoting sustainable practices. Ms Shirinda emphasised the importance of radio in driving social change and urged attendees to continue working together to educate and inspire communities in the fight against climate change.
The event marked a significant step in fostering collaboration between radio stations and the Uni-versity of Venda, reinforcing the collective effort to combat climate change and promote sustain-ability.

A group photo of stakeholders from various radio stations

Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811