One of the key obstacles faced in the fight against corruption is the fact that individuals are often too intimidated to speak out on corrupt and unlawful activities they observe occurring in the workplace. Those who do stick their necks out are victimised and intimidated. The fear of being labelled a “troublemaker” and appearing disloyal to colleagues are powerful deterrents to speaking up. However, UNIVEN subscribes to a service called Tip-offs Anonymous.
Tip-offs Anonymous provides you with an opportunity to report any unethical activity and dishonest behaviour anonymously. What is the purpose of anonymity? It affords you protection against victimisation, intimidation and being oppressed. Anonymity is essential for the atmosphere of trust; openness and a firm assurance of confidentiality is imperative in order for a service like Tip-offs Anonymous to be a success.
Important tips to remember when using Tip-offs Anonymous hotline:
- Avoid calling Tip-offs Anonymous from your telephone extension at work.
- We do not recommend using your office e-mail if you send Tip-offs Anonymous an e-mail.
- Do not tell anyone in your organisation about any communication you have made with Tip-offs Anonymous.
Under no circumstances will the Tip-offs Anonymous report reveal the identity of the person who provided the information.
Don’t support wrongdoing, report it to Tip-offs Anonymous and your anonymity is guaranteed!
Tip-offs Anonymous Contact Details:
FreeCall: 0800 212 755 | Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88
E-mail: [email protected] | Website:
Issued by: Dr Takalani Dzaga, APR
Director, Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 015 962 8112/8525 or 082 745 3090/ 064 828 9251
E-mail: [email protected]
Date : 24 August 2021