Designation: Senior Lecturer
Email: [email protected]
Office: School of Law office F08
Tel: 015 962 8099


i. Bachelor of Arts (BA Law) (University of Stellenbosch) 1995
ii. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Stellenbosch) 1997
iii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Stellenbosch) 2001 Dissertation title: Like father, Like son. A natural father’s access to his child born out of wedlock: An argument to be made for both the father and his child


Law of Persons, Family Law, Legal Research Skills


i. C. Oliver, D. Kgosimore, G. Joubert: Criminology NQF Level 3 Student Book (2009) Department of Education, Further Education Training Colleges
ii. D. Kgosimore, G. Joubert: Criminology NQF Level 4 Student Book (2009) Department of Education, Further Education Training Colleges
iii. GJ Joubert, “Labour relations and unions” (book chapter 10) in Policing in South Africa: Past and Present, Roelofse & Gumbi (Eds), LexisNexis 2018, ISBN 978-0-6390-0256-9, pp 221-244

Conference Presentations

i. “How the Children’s Act impacts on the relationship of the unwed mother and her extra-marital child”, Law Week Conference at University of Limpopo, 2008
ii. “Transforming the boni mores measure in the South African Family law”, Family Law Colloquium at the University of Kwazulu- Natal, 2008
iii. “Do advertisements for abortion equate to legal abortions?” Limpopo Department of Health, Polokwane, 2009
iv. “After 10 years ROCMA is still not the answer for customary wives”, Family Law Colloquium , University of Western Cape, 2010
v. “The vuvuzela on trial?”, Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa (SLTSA), University of Stellenbosch, 2011
vi. “The Impact of Constitutional Change on Intergenerational Obligations”, 14th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Conference, Lyon, France, 2011
vii. “Ignorantia juris non excusat: Police without a defense”, All African Criminal Justice Conference, University of Limpopo, 2012
viii. “Culture and tradition in Family law: an essay into the morality of human rights developments in South African Family law”, 15th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Conference, Recife, Brazil, 2014
ix. “The wrongful life claim: H v Fetal Assessment Center”, Family Law Colloquium, University of KwaZulu Natal, 2015


i. Award for best presenter at Limpopo Department of Health, Polokwane, 2009
ii. Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence award in 2012 as senior lecturer at University of Venda
iii. Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence award in 2015 as best overall lecturer at University of Venda
iv. Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa excellence award for South African athletics coach, 2021

Non-academic achievements

i. Recipient of South African national colours from South African Masters Athletics, 2015
ii. Athletics coach to South African Paralympic athlete, Sheryl James (since July 2018 to date) winning a bronze medal at World Championships in Dubai, 2019 in women’s 400m, class T37, and bronze medal at Paralympic Games in Tokyo, 2021, women’s 400m, class T37

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