Dr. Nkhumbuleni Tendani Ratshitanga is the Head: IT Support Services which is one of the four units within the Department of IT Services. This section is responsible for providing IT related support to staff, students, and the entire university community. This includes procuring, installing, distributing, and maintenance of desktops, laptops, and other related IT equipment. This section is also responsible for ensuring efficient management of the IT ServiceDesk, audiovisual facilities, computer laboratories, software register and telecommunication. It is also responsible for providing digital literacy/skills to the University community.

Dr. Ratshitanga also contributes to the development, implementation and reviewing of IT strategy, IT roadmap, policies and processes that contribute in ensuring that the University gets value from every IT investment. He plays an active role during the initiation, planning and implementation of digital transformation projects within the University.

He is part of the IT management team which is led by the Director IT Services. He also attends IT Steering Committee which is a committee that coordinates and monitors the IT performance in the University. He also attends faculty board meetings.

Through his PhD study, Dr. Ratshitanga fathered VIVHO IT Governance (ITG) Model. The name “VIVHO” was derived from the following keywords that should guide ITG role players during the implementation of IT in an organisation. The words are Visioning, Intelligence, Value Delivery, Holistic Approach and Oversight. On the 5th of May 2022, the Model had been presented in HEITSA (Higher Education Information Technology South Africa) which is a platform for IT Directors, CIOs and IT managers from public higher education institutions in South Africa.

Dr. Ratshitanga holds B.Sc. and B.Sc. Hons qualifications from University of Limpopo. He also holds Master in Public Management (MPM) and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Venda. He also holds a Certificate of Competence on COBIT 5 Foundation from APMG International.  He has recently acquired a Certificate of Competence on Information Technology Management for Chief Information Officer Teams from the University of the Witwatersrand.

Department: Department of IT Services

Designation: Head: IT Support Services

Qualifications: B.Sc, Higher Education Diploma (H.E.D) and B.Sc. Hons (UL)

                           Master in Public Management (MPM) and Doctor of Philosophy (Univen)

                           Certificates of Competence

                           COBIT 5 Foundation (APMG International)

Information Technology Management for Chief Information Officer Teams (Wits Digital Campus)

Phone: +27 15 962 8484

Email address: [email protected]

Office: 67 Ground Floor, Main Admin Building

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