Full names: Pelewe Mphephu
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: MA Sociology
Phone: 0159628401
Email: [email protected]
Office No: 05

Mrs Pelewe Mphephu is a Lecturer in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences, she has worked for over 4 years in the higher education sector in South Africa and 3 years in the Republic of China. She specialises in Sociology and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:

  1. P. & Tshifhumulo .R., (2018), Coping strategies employed by young Vhavenda widows in Vhembe in dealing with death and bereavement. Gender and Behavaviour,16, P11705-11727 ( DOI 10.4314/gab.v16i2)
  2. Iwara .I.O, Amaechi .K.O, Itsweni .P. & Tshifhumulo .R. , (2018), Political process explanations of the rise of women representation in national politics: the case of South Africa-research. Political Sciences. (Corpus ID: 159400093)
  1. Itsweni .P. (2018) The experiences of Death of loved ones and Bereavement amongst young Vhavenda Widows of Tshikombani Village at Nzhelele, Vhembe District in Limpopo, South Africa. (Masters thesis) (Corpus ID : 149515176)

She is currently a Phd candidate in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.

Links to other profiles:

Research gate: Pelewe Itsweni

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pelewe-dineo-mphephu-aa6275a1

 Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2622-1456

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