Full name: Takalani Ellen Mbedzi
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BCur, BCur (Hons) Advanced Psychiatric Nursing (Sefako Makgato Health Sciences University), Diploma in Nursing Education (Unisa) Health Service Management (Unisa) MCUR (Univen)
Email address: [email protected]
Office No: office NO.C4 Foundation Phase Building
Mrs Takalani Ellen Mbedzi is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Nursing S/he has worked for over 13 years in the higher education sector. Her area of research focus is mental health. Co-authored a recent publication:
- Lavhelani, N.R., Maluleke, M., Mulaudzi, M.P., Masutha, T.C., Makhubele, T.E., Manyuma, D., Nemathaga, M., Makhavhu, N.A., Kharivhe, M.L., Mbedzi, T.E. and Ramovha, M.R., 2020. How do family members perceive re-integration of male state patients into their families in South Africa? A qualitative analysis. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 26(1), pp.1-7.
Mrs T.E is currently a member of UNIVEN mental health team representing the faculty of Health Sciences.
She has supervised undergraduate final year nursing student mini dissertations and 1 Masters students.
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