Prof Tsoaledi Daniel Thobejane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Youth Studies. He has worked for over 12 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in gender and developmental economics as well as education. He has supervised and assessed more than 30 Honours students who have graduated from the institute for Gender and Youth Studies. From the more than 15 Masters and six Doctoral students supervised and promoted, close to ten Masters and five doctoral students graduated. He is presently serving as external examiner for Masters and doctoral projects. Prof. Thobejane is the current coordinator of the gender unit in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:

  • Thobejane, T.D (2012). Violent crime and Apartheid Philosophy: The inextricable twins of social disorder. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. (IJHSS). ISNN.2159-5526.
  • Thobejane TD ( 2021): Probing xenophobia and the establishment of a prosperous Africa- History, politics and development studies. African epistemology in the 21st century: A human and social science perspevitive. Editor: Prof.Mapaya. A publication of the University of Venda-2021.(Book chapter).
  • Thobejane TD (2021:) Interrogating South African reality and probing the interconnections of language, masculinities and patriarchy in South Africa. UKZN Publication press.

Department: Department of Youth in Development
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: Diploma Community Development (JHB, RSA), MSC (Southern New Hampshire University (Manchester, USA), DED (Massachusetts Amherst USA) PTC (Mokopane)
Phone: +2715 962 8084
Email: [email protected]
Office Number: 02 Kuwait Building

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